Customer Services Apology Letter
I am [name] from [hotel name] and I am writing to you about the incident that took place on [date]. We understand that you had booked room number [number] in our all-inclusive resort in [location] on [date] but when you reached the resort, you were told that the room you had requested for, is not available. We want to apologize for this mishap. It was a case of double booking due to some software glitch but we highly regret the undue stress and inconvenience you had to face.
We pride ourselves on the quality of service and efficiency of our staff. This incident is very embarrassing for us and we really want to make it up to you. We are sending you a coupon for two days free stay at any of our hotels. This coupon is valid for the next six months and is all-inclusive meaning it covers all three meals and Gymnasium, swimming pool use, and any other in-house facilities available at the branch you choose.
In the end, we would like to convey our regret over this unfortunate mix-up and assure you that you would never face any such issue in the future. Looking forward to serving you again.
I am [title] [name] from [department name] of [bank name]. I am writing to you to apologize for the incident that took place in our [name] branch on [DATE]. You came to collect your checkbook at [time] and you were made to wait for [time] in the end, you were told that your checkbook is not ready. This created a bad taste and led to an argument between you and the manager.
We highly regret this and want to apologize on behalf of the manager and the bank administration. The manager has been severely reprimanded as we do not tolerate such rude and inconsiderate behavior with our valued clients.
We are very sorry that your time was wasted and you were made to wait for so long. Also, we can comprehend the complications that the extended wait for your checkbook must have caused you. Also, we have looked into the problem and are expediting the procedure so that your checkbook is delivered to you ASAP.
Also, the checkbook charges would not be deducted from your account. We want to assure you that you wouldn’t have to face any such issue in the future. We would like to thank you for your patience and your kind patronage.

When a service provider fails to maintain a reasonable standard of service, a service apology letter can be used to express regret over the inability to perform well. The best customer apology letter is one that is received before actual failure or error sets begin. A customer apology letter should:
- Free of any technical or business jargon
- The content of the letter should be straightforward
- Express the feeling of regret over the inconvenience caused due to the issue
- The letter should indicate that such events are not common and they occur rarely
- If the letter is sent after the error has occurred, the occurrence should be explained briefly
- The letter should end with a rectification as a solution to the issue that occurred
We have come to know of an issue faced by you in the last few days. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience you faced because of our conduct and poor service.
Customer service is not only our norm but also our highest priority. We regret that we were not able to meet your expectations. We reviewed the situation to analyze the causes of the inconvenience. We would always strive for perfection. So, we have taken steps to rectify this situation and make sure that this situation never happens again.
As a sign of regret and apology, we would want to present you with [discounted prices, upgraded services]. We understand that our customers deserve the best and we deeply value your relationship with our company. Please accept our sincere apology and feel free to discuss any further concerns regarding this issue.