Letter Reprimanding Employee for Violating a Company Policy
Every company has its rules and regulations and the employees working in it are expected to follow those rules and regulations. An employee handbook also states the dos and don’t parameters that an employee is supposed to keep. In the case of the violation of any rule or policy of the company, prompt action should be taken and the respective employee should be criticized for doing so.
Letter -1
Dear Mr./Ms. [name],
I [title] [name] from [department name] department am writing to you because we received a complaint on [date] regarding the incident that took place on [date] at [time]. Mr./Ms. [name], when you were hired you signed a contract which clearly stated the terms of your employment and apart from other things also stated the company policies.
You were hired after you agreed to follow the rules and regulations which govern the office environment in our organization. The company policy is very clear in this regard. There is to be zero tolerance for harassment, foul language, and misbehavior of any sort.
We have made a disciplinary committee that will thoroughly investigate the allegations made against you. After interviewing all the relevant people and the aggrieved party, the committee will decide on the action to be taken.
Your disciplinary committee hearing is to be held on [date] at [time]. You are welcome to present any evidence you might have in your defense.

This letter can be written to reprimand an employee for violating the company of nondisclosure.
Letter -2
Dear [recipient’s name],
I hope that you’re aware of the company’s policies well since it’s been [enter period] that you are working at [enter company]. The non-disclosure policy of the company states that no information regarding our copyright models will be shared with other companies before or after the completion of the project.
We own rights to all project models that are designed at our workplace. You have been working on the project of [enter project name] which is a unique project that we are doing. However, I am very sad to learn that you disclosed the project details to some employees of the [enter company name] company in an informal meeting while you know that they are our competitors in the market.
I was not expecting this from a senior and trusted employee like you. Nonetheless, I want to give you a chance to make a clarification (if any), on this violation that you have made. For this, kindly meet me in the office at [enter time].