Letter to Notify Employee of a New or Change in Policy
Usually, the employees of a company are well aware of a company’s policies, however, the policies are not permanent. They may change as per requirements. At other times, a new policy is introduced. Though the change of a policy or the introduction of a new policy is brought into the knowledge of employees in official meetings, it is still important and a business norm too to individually inform the employees about the policies by sending them notification letters. This letter can be used in order to inform the employees about the new policy of salary withdrawal.
I [name], [designation] from the HR department, am writing to inform you about the change in policy decided on [date] in the annual [meeting name]. Earlier the number of casual leaves authorized to each employee was [number]. But now they have been reduced to [number] effective from [date].
This decision was taken in light of the increase in workload post-Covid and would be revised after [number] months. Hopefully, the backlog would be clear by then and the leaves would be reverted back to the old number. The employees who have already used up these casual leaves should contact HR to know what options they have as they vary from individual to individual. For any further queries, please contact Mr. [name] in [department name] at [phone number] or email him at [email address]. Looking forward to your understanding and cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Staff,
This letter is being written to inform you about the new policy regarding internet usage decided in the meeting held on [date]. Although we have a very generous internet package for office work we received an email from the service provider last month that the internet usage was above the allocated limit and advised us to monitor the internet activity of all employees.
To our disappointment, an investigation into the matter revealed an extremely unprofessional attitude as we discovered that [number] percent of the usage was on social media, gaming, and movie downloads. This is very immature and is not expected from professionals of your caliber. This is unethical too as these facilities are provided in good faith that the employees would not exploit them.
We have decided the following course of action to deal with this issue: A detection software has been installed on the computers and whenever anyone uses the internet for anything other than work, a notification would be sent to the computer administrator who in turn will inform the HR. HR will then call the employee for an explanation and this would be recorded in the employee file maintained for each of you. Furthermore, non-work-related usage is prohibited even during lunch hours.
Please refrain from any such activity which would put you in an awkward position and be a source of embarrassment for you. Looking forward to a more professional attitude from all of you in the future.
Yours sincerely,

It is to notify you that we have introduced our new salary withdrawal policy. This will be a temporary policy. All employees are notified that the policy of monthly withdrawal of salary has been changed to weekly withdrawals.
You’ll now be able to withdraw your salaries on the weekly basis. Be clear that the monthly salary withdrawal has not been made fully unavailable. Both options are open for use until this new policy is made permanent, therefore, those employees who prefer the monthly withdrawal can continue to do so.
This policy will take effect from [enter date]. You are requested to submit your feedback on the policy after a month of its activation. Depending on the feedback, the policy will be made permanent or otherwise will be resumed to the older monthly withdrawal policy.
Thank you!