Letter to Criticize Employee for Decline in Performance
Employees need to be notified, appreciated, and criticized for their performance. The feedback from the employers helps employees in keeping their performance satisfactory and as per the business’s requirements. Employees may sometimes perform poorly due to work stress or personal issues but when the performance continuously goes poor, this is the time to notify the employee that he should get conscious of his output. This letter can be written to an employee for performing poorly at work.
I [name] [designation] from [department name] am writing to you about your performance in the last quarter. You were hired on [date] as [designation] and sent on the basic training course to [branch name]. Your credentials as well as your performance in the basic training was very promising. The projects you were assigned immediately afterward bore testament that our decision to hire you was not wrong. Your team leader’s report of your performance was also full of praise and he expressed high hopes for you.
However, we have observed a gradual decline in your performance after the initial [number] months. We have been ignoring your team leader’s recent observations but now things have come to the point where we feel that intervention is necessary.
The first thing we would like to address is your lack of punctuality. Being punctual is not only important so that you can complete your work but also because others have to work with you and if you are not present here on time their work also gets affected. Then there is the issue of office discipline. Without proper decorum, a workplace cannot run smoothly and everyone’s productivity gets affected by rowdy and unprofessional behavior.
You have failed to meet the deadlines for the last two projects assigned to you. This has delayed the submission of projects to the client and affected the good name of our company. You are required to see Mr. [name] from [department name] at [time] on [date] to give an explanation about the reason for these delays.
Looking forward to a more reasonable and responsible approach from your side,
Yours sincerely,
Dear Ms. [name]
I [name] [designation] from [HR department] am writing to you on behalf of the school. You started your job here as an ad hoc teacher on [date] you took grade [number] here. Your teaching style and the techniques you used to capture the student’s imagination were a credit to you. Seeing your dedication and the student’s feedback, you were made permanent and given a senior class i.e., grade [number] in this school year.
However, your performance this year has been consistently declining. If you take so many off days the gap would be detrimental to your student’s understanding of the subject. Also, children observe the grown-ups around them especially the one sin mentoring position, and copy their behavior, what would they learn from a teacher who herself is not regular?
We have received complaints from parents saying that you have turned up for classes without proper lecture preparation. The student’s concepts are not clear and they had no idea how to attempt the homework you gave. This is a very alarming situation as we pride ourselves on the fact that our students don’t need tuition. Their concepts are clear here at school.
The fact that their concepts are not clear was also reflected in the result of your class in the mid-year exam. Nearly 80% of the class flunked the exam and the remaining students barely managed to scrape passing marks.
Copy checking remains another sore point. Parents have complained multiple times that the student’s notebooks are not checked and hence when they sit down to prepare for the exam, they memorize the erroneous work for which you cut marks when checking the paper.
In short, we are not satisfied with your performance and if this continued we would start considering the termination of your contract. We have decided to start a zero period for your class. You will do a recap of all the topics covered before the mid-terms, in these zero periods and clear the student’s concepts. In addition, you are required to see Mrs. [name] the senior mistress of middle school at [time] on [date] to discuss these issues at length and how to address them.
Looking forward to responsible and sensible behavior from your side from now onwards.
Yours Sincerely,

Dear [recipient’s name],
It has been [enter period] that you are working at [enter company]. Your performance has remained satisfactory throughout this period. I remember having written a couple of appreciation letters to you as well. However, I am greatly disappointed with the performance that you have shown in the past [enter period].
I am unable to understand the reason for it. You know that in businesses one seeks to elevate his graph and should get conscious if it declines. I was expecting an improvement in your performance since I first observed the decline in it because I had assumed that it could possibly be due to the stress that you might be facing. To my utter disappointment, I am still observing a decline in your performance.
Mr. [enter name], if there is something that is bothering you, please discuss it with me so that a solution could be found. I want you to get conscious of your performance as I definitely don’t wish to send you another letter of the same type. Thank you!