Complaint Letter about Inadequate Facilities at Club


I [name] am writing to complain about the inadequate sports facilities provided at the Club. We had got a membership after seeing your advertisements showing beautiful swimming pools and a mini Golf Club. On further inquiry, we were told that the gymnasium would be ready in a month too and by becoming members, the entire family would be able to enjoy all these facilities.

What a farce that proved to be. Let me begin with the swimming pools. The first day I arrived at the pool with my children I was informed that children above twelve were not allowed with younger kids. This is highly inconvenient as no parent has time to drive to the pool twice a day, once with their 9 years old and then with their 13 years old. When we went into the shower area, we were shocked that the washrooms were filthy, and the showers had no water.

Only three out of the fifteen showers were working and there was a long line in front of all the cubicles. After this ordeal when we finally entered the pool, we were shocked to discover that the pool water was murky and smelly. Upon inquiry, it was discovered that it was changed once a month and chlorinated once a week. This is against all health regulations and very dangerous to the health of everyone swimming in it. Needless to say, we got out and left immediately.

The next thing we tried was the mini Golf club. To cut a long story short, there is no equipment available in the Golf club, and the entire place though well maintained is more often than not rented out for private parties and never available for golfing. The gymnasium which was to be completed in a month is still not open after six months.

We are highly disappointed by such unprofessionalism. Please address the issues highlighted as we are really tempted to cancel our membership as it is a total waste of money.


I [name], am a member of this prestigious club since [year]. I have seen the prime of this club when it was the center of all the cultural and artistic events of the city. It saddens me to say that those days have passed. Now our club is fast becoming a relic of the past. And if nothing is done to improve the state of affairs it would soon be too late to revive it back to its glory.

I would start with the swimming pools which require immediate attention. The shower area requires complete renovation and a sauna needs to be added which all the other modern swimming pools offer. The indoor restaurant has a very limited menu and it needs to be made more diverse. The interiors have become dull and drab and should be replaced by something modern yet comfortable. The outdoor restaurant has very limited timings they should be extended at least by two hours.

Painting and sculpture exhibitions, music nights, and poetry recitation used to be regular events in the good old days but now hardly any noteworthy event is organized in months. This results in boredom and loss of interest in the members.

There have been a couple of incidents lately which have put the security of our club in question. There are no CCTV cameras in the corridors or the lockers in the gymnasium. Although the incidents that have happened till now are quite insignificant it is only a matter of time before things take a more sinister turn. Inadequate club security is a very pressing issue and should be addressed on an emergency basis. Last but not the least, the valet service was discontinued which is very inconvenient for senior members like me. We want it to be reinstated.

I hope you would look upon these issues and address them as they are urgently required, and they would go a long way in bringing our club back into the spotlight.


I am in receipt of your circular letter of the 15th May 20XX reminding the members who have not paid up their subscriptions for the period ending this month, to do so immediately. I was absent from [PLACE] for nearly six months; hence the arrears are due from me.

I visited the club the day before yesterday and was most unpleasantly surprised to notice the change that has come over the place since I left [PLACE] six months ago, there were very few chairs on the premises and even those that were there scattered all over the place, the lounge being perhaps, the only place empty of them.

The billiard table was not in good repair, and there were no markers to help the members who were willing to make use of the table, defective as it was. Games, like Chess and Draughts, were hardly enough to go around, and the Cards were absolutely disgusting -torn and hand-soiled. The library was shut -rather an unusual thing to happen -but when I had the room opened, I did not find even half the book in. Even some of the reference books were not on their shelves, though, as a rule, they ought not to be loaned out.

The Tennis and Badminton courts were being used, but I was shocked at the monopolizing attitude of some of the players. While a score of members was watching, waiting for their turns, the few in occupation of the courts, went on playing, heedless of others.

It may be said that, overall, the premise of your club has never been so shabby as they are now; nor has the club ever before been so poorly organized.

I hope you will personally consider the matter and get things right. If the present state of affairs has been brought about by the lack of funds or by irresponsible attitude of some members, your views and difficulties before the whole house. I feel certain that every reasonable member will cooperate in putting an end to the awful condition prevailing at the club.

I enclose $300 in cash, being my subscription up to date.

Yours faithfully,

Stephan Frances


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