Letter to Criticize Employee(s) for Smoking
I [name] from [department name] am writing to you on behalf of the incident that took place on [date] in front of the conference room. That day a progress meeting was taking place in the main conference room and our respectable clients [firm name] were here. The regional head was also here and as soon as there was a break in the meeting you were found standing near the front desk, smoking a cigarette. As you know that conference room opens in the lobby from where the front desk is clearly visible.
Needless to say, it left a very bad impression on the esteemed guests and a lot of them expressed their disapproval to the official representatives at the conference. Our office is a no-smoking zone but you not only disregarded that but also didn’t care about the presence of the guests in the office.
These things leave a very bad impression not only about the individual but also tarnish the overall impression of the office. Looking forward to more professional and responsible behavior in the future,
Yours sincerely,
I am writing to caution you about the incident reported to HR on [date]. We as a restaurant, are a service industry and it is our task to ensure that the clients visiting us are comfortable and can enjoy their food in a peaceful and calm environment. The ambiance is just as important as the food we serve.
You were found smoking around the men’s washrooms and the smoke had spread all over the serving area on the terrace. The harmful effects of passive smoking are known to all and since we serve families in that area, a lot of very young children were present there and their families complained at once to the management. We have also come to know about one family who left the hotel as they felt disgusted by the cigarette smoke.
This kind of unprofessional attitude has no place in our restaurant and we would not tolerate this. Consider this a warning, if a similar situation arises again, we would be forced to terminate your contract.
Looking forward to more responsible behavior from your side in the future.
Yours sincerely,

Businesses have to follow rules and regulations in order to reach success since it is only when the proper terms and values are followed that a usual business turns into an unusual and exceptionally professional icon.
Most companies follow smoke-free policies for their official environments. This policy is implemented differently in different workplaces as the employer allows. At some places, smoking within office premises is totally banned. This is usually practiced among flourished and exceptionally professional organizations. Unlike this, some employers implement the smoke-free policy only for work hours, which means, employers are allowed to smoke during break hours within the office.
Nonetheless, whether the policy is implemented fully or partially if employees are found breaking the policy, they should be notified to criticize them so that they could be brought within the boundaries. This letter can be used to criticize employees for smoking.
To [enter recipient],
I did not expect this violation after a clear notification about the implementation of a smoke-free policy had been made. I am greatly disappointed as many of you are still found smoking within office premises that too in-office hours. This shows that the notification has not been taken seriously.
I want to inform you all that this kind of open violations of office rules is not tolerable. I see no reason for smoking in the office when those who smoke have already been told to use the assigned smoking spots outside the office. From now onwards, I hope to not see anybody smoking in the office. In the case of violation, expect a salary deduction as a fine for violating the policy. Thank you!