Letter to Supplier Regarding Production Increase
Sample 1-
Subject: Write up regarding production increase
Dear John,
I am Jackson, working as an assistant manager in [ABC Company]. Through this letter, I tend to suggest you increase the ordered production.
Considering the best supplier, we started a business with you five years ago and since then, we are in good business relations with each other. Neither we found anything wrong from your side nor did you give us any chance to complain. But, for the last couple of months, I have been noticing that we are receiving less supply of material than we ordered. This problem was faced by us on several occasions.
On 28th of September, 20XX, we ordered the supply of 2 tons of raw package material. You supplied us with 1 ton instead of 2 tons. Considering your first mistake, we did not take it seriously. Similarly, on the same kind of occasion, you were supposed to deliver us 3 tons of plastic package material, but the same problem was observed from your side and instead of delivering us our desired weight, you delivered us 2 tons of plastic package.
The above-mentioned two occasions are enough to force us to write to you like this. Now what I wish to say through this letter is that you must increase your material production. We had to bear heavy losses because of less supply of materials.
My dear, we are known as a worthy company have built our trust among customers after a year-long struggle but when we did not receive the material as per our order, it became impossible for us to meet our customers’ demands which impacted in a bad way.
We cannot face the same situation again and again and therefore it is for your own interest to increase the production of material which you supply to us otherwise we will be forced to get materials from another supplier. I hope you will consider my request and start increasing your material production.
Yours sincerely,

Sample 2-
Dear Henry,
I, Anderson, working as a manager in [ABC Company], writing this letter to inform you that we have been in business relation with each other for the last ten years. We run a construction business and therefore, always order you for the supply of cement bags and other construction materials.
It has been more than a decade and since then we have been dealing with your company for the supply of the material in the required quantity. Although we have not faced any problem from your side since the last couple of months, it is being noticed that you are not supplying us with the material as per our requirements.
Last month, we ordered you to supply us with a container of cement bags since we were dealing with a huge construction project. Unfortunately, we did not receive the material as per our order and the supply was almost half than what we ordered.
We had to face the same on another occasion when we ordered building material in bulk quantity but received half than we ordered. My dear, this is not tolerable for us at all. Owing to these circumstances, our projects were delayed, and our company had to face losses due to this delay.
Now, if you want to continue business with us then you must come up to our expectations and assure us that you will increase the production of material so that you could supply us the material as per our requirements otherwise we shall be forced to do business with another supplier. I hope you are understanding my point.
Looking forward to your positive steps in this regard.
Yours sincerely,