Resignation Letter due to Company Changes



Dear Sir, I am drafting this letter to announce my resignation officially and formally. I have been working in this company since 2018 as an IT Manager. I have learned a lot and gained a lot of experience in the field while working here. After several changes in the company, I have decided to resign from my position as the changes have impacted my position in many ways.

I have worked here for three years and I am confident in saying that all my skills and learning were framed into the best of potentials here in this company. This company gave me every chance to prove and better myself in my field and skills. As technical advancements keep on going up every day this company never let me remain stagnant and kept on vibrating my spirits. The professional teamwork in the company is highly appreciated and praiseworthy. All my supervisors proved themselves as the best teachers who were professional and amicable both.

On [DATE], the company was undergone several changes in the departmental functioning of Information Technology. The changes have impacted my position immensely. To avoid any trouble in demeanor and not let it grow, I have decided to leave the company. Leaving is the best option when there is no other way but fear of dysfunctionality at work. Thus, I am leaving the company from [DATE] with prior notice of nineteen days.

I have tried to perform my best at work but, still, I apologize if I brought any inconvenience or any kind of vexation. I am grateful to you for providing me an opportunity to work in such a significant position. I shall be grateful to you if you approve my resignation and settle my release letter by [DATE]. Please let me know if I can provide any assistance to make this transition smooth. Thank you.


Albert Cooper
Manager, IT
Social Security Firm of Public Welfare (SSFPW)
BR-190, Skycrap of Orlando, Orlando
Florida, USA

Size: 23 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later




Dear Sir,

Recent changes in the body of internal working of the company have put me in a position to resign from my position. The internal changes in the company have immensely pressed my position at work as a General Marketing Manager. The company has introduced several changes in the marketing strategies of the company without my consultation that also undermines my position at work.

Moreover, implementation of the marketing strategies while bypassing my position is also one of the factors halting my working capability. Having all the changes in view, I have decided to resign from my position i.e., General Manager. I shall not be coming to the office from [DATE]. I shall be glad to assist the company in my best in these eight days. I shall not be able to give ample management to the TRT Department Services, therefore, I request you to give this additional charge to some other employee with strong candidature to look into the matters of TRT.

I have completed five years in this company. These five years of my work are repleted with immense energy, learning, and skill enhancement along with extensive experience in the field of management and marketing under your kind supervision. I would like to provide my resignation with a lot of appreciation for the competent teamwork and thanks for your kindness and amicable headship. Thank you.


David Hawthorne
Marketing Manager
Style 701, Groups and Products
C-223, C-11, C-11/1, Deo Square San Francisco 59000

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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