Letter Asking for Advance Salary for Family Needs

Sample -1

Subject: Letter asking for advance salary for family needs

Dear Sir,

I am John Parker and I am working as an administrative assistant, procurement unit in your company. My sole purpose in writing this letter is to get some favor in order to fulfill some of my family needs and for this purpose, I ask for two months advance salary. I have an idea that it may not be feasible for you to know me personally that I have been hardworking, sincere, and punctual since the first day I joined this company and I can be given this favor on the basis of my past record.

My father runs a middle-sized business. In the past two months, he had to face a huge loss due to the ban on export across the world. Although we had got our commodities insured but still, we had to take a huge amount of loan from the bank in order to settle everything down. Owing to this condition, we had to face a great financial crisis. Now the current situation is such that utility bills are pending since the last two months; children’s school’s expenses are yet to be deposited because I don’t have a sufficient amount to cope with the stress which has been imposed.

I do not ask for such favors usually but this time the situation is entirely different. This is a question of my family’s survival. So, owing to the severity of the matter and keeping in view my track record, please grant me an advance salary of two months. Surely after this favor, I will be more vigilant, zealous, and loyal towards my work and ultimate company goals.

Further, I shall return the loaned amount in installments and you can deduct a fixed amount from my salary until the loan is cleared.

Yours truly,

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later


Sample -2

Subject: Letter asking for advance salary for family needs

Dear Sir,

I, John Smith, working as a senior accountant in your company, am forwarding a formal request to you through this letter and asking for company favor to give me an advance salary of just one month owing to the financial crisis I am facing right now in my personal life. No doubt, I am well aware of the company’s policies regarding the employees’ salary and in the best knowledge of this fact that employees will be entitled to be paid the salary of only that month during which they worked. But at the same time, I believe that exception could be granted in my case.

Sir, since last two months, I have not been able to pay my house rent and school fee of my kids.

My father has retired from a bank service two months back. Since his bank had been privatized, therefore he had been paid nothing in lieu of pension, emoluments, EOBI fund, etc. except his last month’s salary. Due to this reason, the entire responsibility of my house has been put to my shoulders right now and I am short of cash this month.

I would never have asked you for such favor but to pay house rent, deposit my school going kids’ fee, and to buy the medicine for my mother, I don’t have enough to fulfill all these needs. Therefore, I am asking you for such a favor.

I am, therefore, requesting you to consider my current situation and would really appreciate you if you grant me a one-month advance salary with this month. I will clear this advance amount in three equal installments. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours truly,
John Smith

Size: 22 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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