Category: Notification Letters

Legal Notice for Non-compliance to Contractor

Legal Notice for Non-compliance to Contractor

Sample -1 I am sending you this legal notice on behalf of my client, Mr. Meezo Chauhan, CEO of [ABC] constructions after he discussed with me the matter of non-compliance of contract on your part. You are hereby notified as under. It is hereby declared that my client signed an agreement with you on [date]. The contract was about the construction of 25 kilometers double road. The project was to...

Legal Notice of Non-compliance of Order

Legal Notice of Non-compliance of Order

Sample -1 I, Robert Morris, working as an advocate in civil courts of North California, sending you this legal notice after receiving instructions from my client, Mr. Rajesh, CEO of [ABC] industries, in response to your non-compliance with the order which was placed by him on [date]. You are hereby notified; That my client entered into an agreement with you on [date] to establish good business relations with your company....

Notifying Employees About Change of Vendor

Notifying Employees About Change of Vendor

1: I, Harris, CEO of [XYZ Company] want to notify you through this letter that we have terminated the contract with [Mr. ABC]. From now onward, he will no longer be acting as a vendor for our company. This notification is effective from [date]. He had been working with us for the last ten years and provided his services for this company. But then I had to take this decision...