Complaint Letter for Salary Deduction

Sample -1

January 16, 20XX
Stalin Cruise
Cooperative Manager
XYZ Company
Manchester, TY12

Dear Mr. Cruise, I am working under your organization for the last four years in the post of accountant manager. Working with you has always been a great pleasure for me, but now I am facing serious kind of financial issues, moreover, you had deducted my salary for this month due to my absence of four days which was at the start of the month. I had informed you about this already and you assured me that there would be no kind of deduction in my regular salary. I had to take leave because my mother had fallen from the stairs and I had to take care of her as my wife was not present at that time.

I am writing this letter to you to ask you to give my deducted salary back as I have to meet other expenses as well. My salary is already inadequate as I have to pay house rent, school fee, payment of bills, etc. so, I request you to please make it possible for me to get back my deducted salary.

I hope that you will assist me in this regard and will not disappoint me. I shall be very grateful to you for your kindness.  Looking for positive vibes from you!


Darcy John

Size: 19 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later


Sample -2

January 16, 20XX

Prufrock Ralph
ABC Company
156 Main St.

Dear Mr. Ralph,

My name is Robinson Kim, and I am working under your kind guidance in ABC Company for the last ten years. During this period, I assisted you in every possible way and handled every difficult task. I didn’t ever demand anything from you like promotion in my position or some favor as well. I am writing this letter with a very sad heart after knowing that my salary for this month has been deducted to almost half of my given salary which proved so shocking for me.

I am already passing through the tough stage of my life and was not prepared mentally to bear a little stress. This news made me shivered and I was completely shaken. As you know my financial condition very well that I belong to a poor family and I have to meet my all expenses of household with this salary. I also don’t have any car and come office daily on a local train, almost one-fourth of the salary consumes incoming and going for office and then back home.

I know very well that the company is currently running through a financial crisis, but it does not mean to fill this gap with a reduction in employee salaries. Not only me but also everyone is not rich here and almost belongs to a middle-class family. So, better for you now is to give our deducted salaries back. Otherwise, you cannot demand the same efficiency in work from me because I would not be able then to focus on my work due to ongoing stress.

I am very hopeful that you will look upon what has mentioned above and will give thorough contemplation to my request of giving the remaining salary back. I would be so much thankful to you for this favor.


John Adam

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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