Letter Informing Parents of Closing Due to X Holidays


Re. Informing Closure due to One Week Holidays

Dear Parents, it is to inform you that the school has decided to keep it close for seven days because of severe weather in the state. According to weather forecasters, Florida is under high threat of SWAN storms and heavy rainfall. In the wake of this weather forecast, we are closing school to avoid any perilous and unpleasant circumstances.

Being a parent, it is your responsibility to take care of your child during this time. Homework has been provided to the children on the student portal of [Website] and you need to make completion of the homework sure by strict vigilance. Hence, it is an unexpected time for vacation, therefore, we have extended the date of the mid-term examination of the semester.

Moreover, the administration of the school, with the coordination of the MRT IT services platform, has decided to provide online services of any of the three compulsory subjects. MRT IT is one of the best newly emerging online services in the field of education and learning. With their coordination, instructors of our school shall provide online classes for the students of classes V, VI, and VII only.

During this one week, we shall be available by email and instructors shall communicate through their emails and personal phone numbers. We appreciate your cooperation and unintrusive vigilance in the preparation of the mid-term examination. We thank you in anticipation. For more, call +[#] or write to Mrs. Martin at [EMAIL].

Best Regards,

Lucifer Dane
Assistant Manager
High Goals Schools, Orlando
Florida, USA

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Re. School Closure Notification due to Two Weeks’ Holiday

Dear Parent(s),

This letter serves as a notification to inform you of the unanticipated decision of commencing holidays for two weeks caused by the government’s decision to be followed by instant implication.

On 10-07-21, at 11:20 AM, it has been informed that the government has announced two weeks holiday to the students to reserve them from any of the perilous circumstances. According to the Federal Ministry of Epidemiology and CVM, a strong fourth wave of the coronavirus has been anticipated. The spike in the number of COVID positive cases indicates that the risk is still involved in regularizing normal schedules and opening the institutes.

Furthermore, it is informed that the online classes shall not be executed during this time and students shall be provided with research work. For the research work, they would need to stay communicative to their supervisors allotted by the Research OLP Team. The school administration plans to conduct a research program instead of conventional exams to evaluate the students and promote them to their respective semesters.

 You are advised to stay pertinent to the school and the supervisors of your kids to avoid any complicacy. All the students need to work in compliance with the SOPs listed in the attachment. Do not hesitate to call at +1[#] to inquire about anything further. We thank you for your constant cooperation. Stay at your homes to stay safe and abide by all the SOPs instructed by the government to avoid any contact with the virus. Thank you.


Ammy Welch
General Administrator
Hall of Landmark High School
POC Road, Denver Avenue, Orlando
Florida, USA.

Size: 19 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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