Letter to Terminate Employment Due to Lack of Teamwork
We regret to inform you that your contract of employment has been terminated with effect from 14th November 20XX. This termination was decided upon by the board of directors after carefully examining your previous performance.
You have been under probation for past two months as we had received several complaints from your team members regarding your professional attitude. There had been complaints of you not working well with your teammates. As you know that the sales department relies highly upon the teamwork of the members and your work has mostly been solitary.
You do not work well in a team and gave a hard time to your colleagues while completing projects. This causes discomfort amongst the team and effects the quality of the work output which in turn effects the company reputation. Therefore, we took this decision to terminate your contract.
We believe that you have a lot of potential and can work better in other departments where your talents can be appropriately utilised. The sales department in our company is just not a right match for you.
Please meet the manager at the HR department and discuss the benefits and reverence salary you will receive. We wish you all the best and hope to see you at a place which is a better fit for your abilities.
Alison Richards
CEO Richard corporation.

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Dear Ms Anna Maria,
I am writing this letter to inform you that your employment contract has been terminated due to lack of teamwork. You have consistently shown poor performance in last few projects as you do not work well with your team members. You do not share your ideas and work with your fellow team members which creates problems and ambiguity. We do not understand why you do not like to work in a team even when we have switched your team mates many times on your demand.
As you are aware that our projects require teamwork, and it is not possible for one individual to go his own way and try to manage things on their own. This attitude severely effects the work output and the office environment. Despite multiple warnings, you did not try to change your attitude towards your team members.
Owing to these reasons we have decided to terminate your contract. This decision has been made after careful consideration, based on your performance on last three projects.
Please collect your work experience letter and this month’s salary from Ms Julia in the HR department at your earliest. You may have a week to pack up your things and wind up your work.
We wish you all the best for your future endeavours. We believe that you can utilise your talents in perhaps another organisation which encourages solo work. You are very talented, and you can have a great future in the business world. Please don’t hesitate to reach out in case you have any queries.
Thank you
Mr Graham Reed
Manager Human Resource.

Size: 15 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later
The importance of teamwork cannot be negated especially when it is related to businesses. It is a team that makes a business or breaks it. A good and efficient team, therefore, can be called the backbone of the business.
Since teamwork requires the ability to work in collaboration with the team there are sometimes some employees that lack this ability. They may be efficient on one hand but fail to manage the teamwork bond. As when the team cannot work it affects the business, it is important to notify such employees or as a final solution terminate them to save loss to the business. This letter can be written to an employee in order to terminate him/her for the lack of teamwork.
Letter -3
Dear (Recipient’s Name),
I am sorry to inform you that even after having the last meeting with you regarding your performance issues, I observed no change in your strategies. I have been telling you repeatedly that our company is in desperate need of teamwork which you are not doing successfully. Moreover, your personal disputes with your colleagues have worsened the situation.
Even though I tried to give you as many chances and warnings as I could no serious step was taken from your side. I am left with no other choice. Our company cannot afford this kind of behavior so you’re being sent this termination letter.
You can collect your salary by the end of this month. Also, please submit all official documents and cupboards keys to my office before leaving. Thank you!
[Your Name]
[Your Title] -Optional-