Christmas Holidays Work Schedule Announcement Letter
Letter -1
As you know Christmas season is approaching and everyone is busy preparing for their holidays. I would like to inform you all that we have prepared a Christmas holidays work schedule which will include five working days and ten holidays for all the employees.
The schedule of work will be different for everyone as we must compensate for the alternate work schedule of the employees. I have attached the new work roster with this letter. Please be mindful that this is the first draft of the schedule, and it can go through further changes. Please have a look and go through it carefully.
We have tried our best to satisfy all the employees in terms of fair distribution of work and leaves. We have always strived for impartial decisions and fair distribution of tasks. In case any employee has an issue with the schedule or wants to request a change, please contact the undersigned as soon as possible.
We understand that our employees want to spend quality time with their families, and we support this notion fully. Therefore, we carefully curated this schedule and are confident that this list will cover all the office requirements as well as provide enough time for the employees to spend with their families.
Please be informed that if we do not receive any change requests by the end of this week, this draft shall be considered final, and no further changes will be accommodated. In case of any queries, please reach out to us at your earliest.
Office management.

Size: 13 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later
Letter -2
Dear employees,
We at Chestnut organization would like to wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays. We are aware that the Christmas holidays are approaching, and everyone is excited to get together with their friends and family. As you all already know, our office operations cannot cease, and we must come up with a schedule to compensate for the employees who will be on leave. The office management has devised a tentative schedule for the Christmas holidays which will span over three weeks.
Every employee will have to attend work for 5 days during these three weeks and the schedule for it is attached with this letter. You are all advised to go through this schedule carefully and mark the days when your presence is needed in the office.
We have tried our best to keep this working roster fair and distribute the work to ensure that everyone gets sufficient time off for the holidays. However, we do realize this schedule may coincide with your plans so you may contact the HR office in case you wish to make changes in the schedule.
Please make sure to get back to us as soon as possible as this list will be considered final by 1st December. Any changes needed shall be accommodated if reported before 1st December. We appreciate your support and cooperation in this matter. We wish you all a happy holiday season and a happy new year!
Office management.

Size: 13 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later
Letter -3
Dear (Recipient’s Name),
All employees are notified that the Christmas holiday work schedule has been announced. You’ll receive copies of the schedule in your office. We know that holidays are for enjoyment and all of you want to have time with your families, this is why after looking at your applications regarding what time you should be called for work during holidays, this schedule has been made. We have tried that all of you get the equal opportunity to enjoy Christmas.
In case you want changes in your schedule please contact before the Christmas holidays begin. No change will be made after that. Thank you and happy holidays!