Complaint Letter for Billing Error

The lifestyle of mankind has been improved with time. Once the word ‘facility’ was known to the elite only but now all the facilities are gradually spreading to rural areas and the common person is also availing the same. All our systems are automated and are being monitored remotely. Our billing system is computerized and the handwritten billing system almost vanishes.

All the above-mentioned improvement has enhanced the ease in life and minimized human error but the chances of error cannot be ruled out completely. There are many errors being reported daily instead of the computerized billing system.

Therefore, these computer-generated bills and automated remote systems also need to be verified for their correct functioning. A complaint letter to the utility company, hotel, and bill payment at the store can reimburse the money of the effective person.


I [name] consumer number [number] am writing to register a complaint. My electricity bill for this month is not accurate. I always note the meter reading at the beginning and end of the month. According to my calculation, we used around [number] units in the month of December but the bill sent was much higher than this.

It is not an isolated case, as I have been noticing a pattern for the last three months. The number of units being charged is higher than the number shown by the meter reading. Please look into this matter as I had taken the meter reading, the day the meter reader arrived so the two values could not be so different.

Looking forward to your kind consideration and quick action


I am writing this letter to register my complaint regarding an error in the billing. We had reserved your restaurant [name] on [date] from seven o’clock to nine-thirty in the evening for my daughter’s birthday. We had been told that we would be charged [amount] per guest plus [amount] for the decor.

We had informed the management that we are expecting around twenty guests and that the arrangements should be made accordingly. However, on the day of the event, five additional guests arrived.

On informing the manager, we were assured that there would not be any problem. The event went very smoothly and we are satisfied with the arrangements and have also recommended your restaurant to friends and family.

Today we received the bill, which, to our surprise, was for thirty guests, which is not accurate as the number of guests was only twenty-five. The manager on duty Mr. [name] can vouch for this. Please look into this matter and rectify the billing error.

Looking forward to your positive response.


Frere Gardens
Henry De Watson
Block 35B, Columbus Avenue, New York.

July 14th, 20XX

Mr. Robert Jackson.
Resort Hotel.
15 St. Race Court Avenue, Las Vegas.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I hope you are doing well and your business is flourishing. I stayed at your hotel last week during my visit to New York. I spent three days at the hotel which was very comfortable and remarkable with all regards. All the staff was very cooperative and all the facilities were as per the standard mentioned on the website. But I have a complaint about the billing which I was unable to check while paying the bill.

As per the boarding and lodging Performa, I was informed that Breakfast is complimentary and no bill would be charged in this regard but in the end, I had to pay the bill for breakfast.

Initially, I did not verify the bill but when I reached back to my station then I verified it and found an extra bill for the breakfast. I called the customer care service and I was informed to write a complaint letter along with the copy of the said Bill. I am sending a copy of the bill, therefore, kindly reimburse my extra bill and send money to my home address or pay via wire transfer.


Henry De Watson.


I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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