Complaint Letter for Over Speeding

It is common saying that wisdom comes with age and experience teaches all lessons that we are unable to learn from our school. People show different behavior at the different slot of age. For example, children are more demanding and obstinate, while teenagers are aggressive, emotional and expressive in their attitude; young people are determined and ambitious, while old people are the academy of wisdom. But the most dangerous stage is the teenage. The teenagers are unaware of results of the misleading deeds. They always try to produce thrill in life performing difficult stunts.

They are unaware of consequences of these silly thrills. The common among them are, one wheeling, racing, stunts without any safety arrangements, climbing and jumping on difficult places and over speeding on the main road. Many incidents are being reported on the daily basis that is the result of over speeding or one wheeling. This can only be suppressed through a proper parental guide and adopting regular safety culture. Such sort of incident must be reported to the parents of the individual first then subsequently to the police to avoid any loss.

Complaint Letter for Over Speeding


Top Line Apartments
Jeremy Parker
Block 15B, Golden Dove Avenue, Las Vegas

3rd July 2017

Mr. Ben Conner
Frere Residency
Block 10C, Golden Dove Avenue, Las Vegas.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I hope you are good at your health and must be enjoying the life. I have a complaint about your son which was found over speeding at service road. As you know that service road is full of traffic in the evening. It is very difficult to control the vehicle at such speed. This not only involves the life of the individual but the life of the other people is also on the stake. Therefore, in my opinion, proper guidance can change the attitude of your son which can lead reform himself as a responsible citizen. It was my social responsibility to inform you about the impish habit of your son. Now, it is your moral duty to show him the right path and inform him the consequences of this act of thrilling.


Jeremy Parker.


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Complaint Letter for Over SpeedingComplaint Letter for Over Speeding

Size: 33 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later

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Size: 27 KB File

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