Complaint Letter to Landlord about a Neighbor

Neighbors are a great blessing. We learn a lot from them by one way or the other as they can be of different culture and background. But neighbors can be good or bad depending on luck. We can share our joys and sorrows with them if they are good.

On the other hand, bad neighbors are just like a curse. Nowadays, the neighborhood is becoming too common as estate housing and multistoried houses are gaining wide acceptance because of population abundance. Good neighbors help a lot in difficult situations and are always there for us. But if they are troublesome, it becomes too difficult to move forward with them. Many complaints can arise in this situation. Sometimes they are the nuisance.

Sometimes they are unaware of cleanliness. Sometimes late night parties and gatherings disturb a lot. In the same way, some are very quarrelsome. Many times, these situations become uncontrollable and hard to cope that either we have to complain the landlord or leave our residence.

Firstly we should try to solve the problem by direct conversation. If we do not get any response then we can go for further actions.


I am your tenant residing in house number (number) in (building name). I have been your tenant for the last (number of) years. During this time, I have always paid my bills on time, and I’ve always followed all the rules and regulations in the rental contract.

Also, I have found you to be a very reasonable landlord. All the tenants in this building have always tried to be considerate towards each other and give each other the required space and respect which is why there has never been any dissension or friction in this community and the atmosphere has been very cordial but now ever since you rented out the house number (number) to Mr. (name), there has been constant disturbance in the community.

Mr. {name} is a very aggressive and egoistic person. He makes an issue out of the smallest things like parking the car in its right place or proper garbage disposal. The incident that took place on (date), is a red flag which must not be ignored to avoid any big incident.

He placed a disposable glass filled with ice on top of electrical wiring present between the apartments. When the ice melted and water dripped into the electric meters, there was a short circuit and a fire started. Thank God there were some people around, who put out the fire but when he was confronted and called to answer about this carelessness, he denied having put the glass there and started fighting with people who by putting out the fire had in fact saved the entire building.

His behaviour is a source of conflict and trouble to everyone residing in this building and all of us want you to look into this matter and reprimand him in the strictest manner.

There are certain rules to community living and everyone who resides in these apartments has to adhere to these rules. This is also a clause of the rental contract which every tenant has signed at the time of moving here.

Mr. {name} should also follow these rules and try to change his attitude. His negligence put the lives and safety of everyone in these buildings at stake instead of apologizing and paying for the loss, he responded very aggressively. This kind of behavior is not tolerable for any of us, which is why all the residents of building {number} are signing this letter. We want you to sort out this problem at your earliest, as it is causing a lot of ill will in the community.

Looking forward to a positive response from your side.


I am your tenant residing in apartment number {number}. I want to register my complaint against the tenant in apartment number {number}.As you know that community living requires adherence to certain rules and regulations to ensure that everyone can live together in harmony without conflict or resentment. One of these rules is proper garbage disposal and another one is that pets are not allowed.

Mr. {name} is not following either of these clauses and it is causing a lot of problems for the rest of the residents. He puts his garbage bag outside his door and stray cats spread the litter all over the landing. As you know that the landing is shared by both the apartments so every time we step out, we step in to litter. It is a constant annoyance for us.

Second issue is his pet dog which is in clear violation of building rules. His dog starts barking late at night and disturbs everyone’s sleep in the building. As I live right next door, I am affected the most by this loud noise. Both my health and work are getting affected due to constantly disturbed sleep at night. Please address this issue at your earliest as it is causing a lot of stress and ill will in our building.

Looking forward to a positive response from your side.


Charles Mack
View Side Apartments
Block 22E. Bird Avenue, California


Mr. Alex Martin
The Owner, View Side Apartments
36 St, Pearl Avenue, California

Dear [Recipients Name],

Hope you are doing great. I am writing to make a complaint against my neighbor Mr./Ms. [NAME HERE] regarding noise and dirt. I have approached them directly but they gave nil response. Their loud noise always creates discomfort. The parents always keep on shouting and scolding their children. And in the result, we hear loud cries all day long.

Moreover, they never keep cleanliness and leave the trash outside the main door which creates a mess because of cats. The sweeper comes daily on time to collect the trash but still they do so. It is causing trouble for me and my family. I and my wife are working and we are always disturbed because of loud noise. And dirt is creating illness in our kids. I would be keenly requesting you to take a notice and some necessary actions.

Waiting for your kind response


Charles Mack

Resident, View Side Apartments.


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