Letter Persuading Employees to Avoid Eatables on Work Floor
Letter -1
We have found that many employees have been eating at the workspace. Leftover food items, empty food bags, and drink cans have been found after work hours from the office area. Moreover, footage from CCTV shows that some of you invite your friends over from other departments as well to join you for lunch in the office area. We condemn this act of unprofessionalism and warn all the employees to refrain from this practice from now onwards.
The workplace should be kept clean and free of eatables and drinks of any sort. This not only goes against the official policies of eating in the workspace but also poses a threat of germ build-up from food. This can potentially cause infections and spread diseases in unsuspecting individuals.
If an employee is found eating in the office space or if any eatables or drinks are brought to the office, strict action will be taken against him. This may include temporary suspension from the company or a ten percent deduction in salary.
We advise all the employees to use the designated space for lunch and tea. We are working towards expanding the tea bar and cafeteria so employees can have more space and can socialize with their friends from other departments in that space. We advise the managers and team leaders to make sure that the workers follow the company policies. We look forward to your cooperation in this matter.
Office Management.

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Letter -2
Dear employees,
This is to inform you that some incidents of misconduct and breach of company rules have been reported which include bringing eatables on the work floor and leaving trash behind. This is highly intolerable, and we advise the employees to be careful with their practices. Bringing eatables into the workspace not only creates a mess but also hinders office operations. It distracts other workers from their work as well. Considering the recent events, we have updated the company policy and the new rules are as follows.
- Absolutely no eatables or drinks or cigarettes allowed on the work floor. If an employee must take an eating break due to health reasons, he may do so in the common room.
- To avoid spread of infections such as Covid-19 and dengue, wash your hands thoroughly before and after you have lunch. Sanitize your work bench every 2 hours with the sanitizing spray provided.
- Daily work operations should not be interrupted because of lunch or food breaks. Please try to eat and drink during the 60 minutes break you get every day.
- Any employee found violating the company policy regarding food in any way shall be suspended for 3 days. Only one warning letter shall be issued before suspension is put into effect.
We look forward to all the employees cooperating in this regard and abiding by the company rules. We want to ensure a clean and efficient work environment for all the employees.
Please reach out to HR in case of further queries.
Office Management.

Not everything is written in a company’s policy. There are things that an employer does or does not want to see at his workplace but they are not a part of the policy and rules. In order to convince employees about it, letters are written in which the matters are argued to convince employees to do or not to do them. This letter can be used to convince employees to avoid eatables on the work floor.
Letter -3
Dear employees,
I want you to make sure that our work environment remains as professional as possible. Though there is no particular policy regarding eating on the work floor, I would still like to convince you that this is something that should be avoided.
I am sure that eating during work hours causes distractions from work not only for you but also for fellow colleagues. I saw stains of grease on the documents that I received from one of you yesterday. It was also shocking to see wrappers of eatables in a few cabins since I believed you know we strictly follow the principle of cleanliness in the office.
After such observations, I would like to suggest you please avoid eating on the work floor. There’s a break of half an hour in which you are free to enjoy your lunch and as many eatables as you want but when it is the official time and office hours, there are other important things to do than to eat, your work.
I am sure that you also find this unprofessional and would get convinced that such behavior needs to be changed. Thank you!