Letter against Teacher’s Physical Punishment

Sample -1

I am Rebecca Jones, the mother of Julian Robert who is a student of grade 8th in your school. The purpose of writing this letter is to inform you about the corporal punishment of Miss. Aadi on my daughter yesterday.

I am satisfied with your administration system and highly appreciate the teaching methods that are taught here, but yesterday I was shocked after seeing the red scars on the back of my daughter. Upon asking her she told me that she was beaten badly by Miss. Aadi teaches Arts and Humanities to her.

This attitude of her is unbearable. We send our children to you for getting an education not to get corporal punishment. It not only demolishes students’ morale but also creates an inferiority complex in them. My daughter is afraid after this incident and she’s not talking with us properly.

Moreover, she has locked herself in the room and weeping bitterly. I as a mother haven’t even slapped her from her birth till now then why she has beaten up my daughter so bitterly. I know that your school is one of the best schools in the town, but these types of incidents can cause the reason to defame your school.

So, it is my request to you to strictly take action against Miss. Aadi, so she may not do this kind of action again.

I hope that you will act on what I have said and will inquire about this. I also want to meet you tomorrow to have a discussion on this, so let me know when I should visit you? you can inform me of this number [X]. I will wait for your answer!


Rebecca Jones

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Sample -2

January 15, 20XX

Robin Christopher
ABC School
Huston, 2345 Street

Dear Mr. Christopher,

I am writing this letter to you on behalf of my son who is a student of grade 5th in your XYZ School and was beaten up badly by his class teacher Mr. Robert Jones. This act of him is intolerable and against the laws of your school. On his admission here, I had read the instructions carefully in which it was mentioned that beating students is not allowed here but Mr. Jones acted against this rule.

It was very frightful for me to hear all this. Upon asking why his teacher gave him the punishment he said that he had not done his homework, upon which he beat him so harshly. He could handle the matter politely as teachers in these schools don’t do so as he did. He not only beat him but also kept him standing outside the classroom for one hour.

He is only 12 years of age and I haven’t beaten him ever, but this act of him is unbearable for me and I want to register a complaint about him in your main office. I request you to please make an inquiry team ask about the matter and investigate him about this. As far as I know, he was very polite to the students, but God knows why he did so.

Keeping in view above mentioned circumstances I request you to meet Mr. Jones personally and ask him about this. I hope that you will act upon what I have said and will give kind consideration to my request. If you have any queries regarding this, you can call me in your office, and I have already decided to meet you as soon as possible.


Abigail Bede

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