Letter to Criticize Employee Demanding Undue Reimbursements
I [Title] [Name] am writing to you on behalf of the [department name] regarding the application we received from you to reimburse you for your car repair. You were sent on a work trip to [city name] on [date]. The fact that you had an accident on the way back is very unfortunate but it is not the company’s fault and it is very inappropriate of you to make a claim for the damages.
We are very sorry for your loss and inconvenience but to demand the company pay the damages as it happened on a work trip is preposterous. We don’t want to set such a precedent as your personal loss is not the result of the task assigned to you. It was a perfectly normal job and has nothing to do with your accident. You are now in a senior position and your subordinates look toward you. Such an irrational demand would misguide them and create unnecessary commotion and ill will.
We are rejecting the claim and expect more responsible behavior from you in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr. [name]
I [Title] [Name] am writing to you on behalf of the [department name] regarding the application we received from you demanding the payment of your internet bill. This is highly irregular. You claim that since you were working on the [name] project, your internet bill has doubled and hence the company should reimburse you.
We do not agree with this claim as the said project was not assigned as a task to be done at home. You were welcome to stay in the office for as long as required to complete the task. However, if you want to go home and complete it there, for your own convenience, we are not bound to pay your internet bill.
We would also like to mention that the rest of your team has in fact stayed back and worked on the project from the office. Working from home is a privilege we offer, for our employees’ convenience but if it leads to such unreasonable demands, we would be forced to stop this practice.
Please refrain from making such absurd demands as they characterize you as an irresponsible person. We did not expect this from a valued employee like you. We expect more mature and reasonable behavior from you in the future.
Yours sincerely,

Dear Mr. [enter employee name],
I did not expect this irresponsible behavior from you. I am also not convinced yet that it was a mistake. After your international tour last month to the [enter country] for business purposes, you were asked to submit the report of your expenses and the costs so that reimbursement could be made to you.
Your report mentions you stayed at [enter hotel] which is an expensive hotel of [enter country name] while according to our knowledge you stayed at [enter hotel name] which is not as expensive as the hotel that you mentioned. The mistake in writing the hotel name is understood. You possibly had visited that hotel to meet someone and might have confused the hotel name while writing, however; I am unable to understand why the dues of the hotel are mentioned more than expected.
Mr. [enter employee name] also stayed at the same hotel three months ago when he was on a tour and his hotel dues were totally different from yours. Interestingly, his stay was double the time you stayed.
Let’s hope that it was only a mistake. You’re requested to meet me at my office so that you may be given a chance to explain your point.