Political Talk at Workplace Policy Letter to Employees

Sample -1

Dear all,

Being the CEO of the company I am going to implement the policy as subjected above from now onward. The matter was brought into my notice by your branch manager that, while talking about the politics and your favorite political leaders, most of you lose your temperament and become emotional.

Here at ABC marketing company, it is the part of our policy that employees will not talk with other employees about the things about which they cannot do anything. Once you are present at your workplace, this is your first and foremost duty to involve yourself in the company’s matters rather than talking about anything else. Political matters are the things that must be left upon the politicians to deal with. You, the employees cannot do anything in this regard. You cannot involve yourself in legislation making but one thing you can do at your best and that is your work.

It is now compulsory for every employee of this company to make sure that our policy about the matter subjected above is being followed in true sense. It is your responsibility to make your fellow remind about the policy if he/she breaches it. If it doesn’t work, submit a written complaint to your manager about the accused employee. Policies that are not followed, have a detrimental effect on the team and it is your duty to work for the progression of the team. Your name will be kept private.

The following could be the positive outcomes of breaching the above-mentioned policy:

  • If the policy is violated for the first time, top management will meet the employee privately, direct him not to violate it in the future, and clip the notes of that meeting in employee’s file.
  • Violating the company’s policy for the second time will result in reviewing the previous meeting notes and asking the employee for a written explanation coupled with a warning letter.
  • Violating the above-mentioned policy third time will result in the suspension of placement on probation.
  • The fourth time violation will not be tolerated at all and the employee will be terminated right away.

I hope that each employee working with us will understand the policy and comply with it. I wish you all the best of luck.

Yours sincerely,

Size: 12 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later


Sample -2

Subject: Political talk policy at workplace policy letter to employees.

Dear employees,

I have been forced to write this by your attitude and routines violating company policies on a daily basis. I am receiving frequent complaints from your branch manager that employees in the office are getting over-emotional while commenting and talking about politics and their favorite party leaders. He further adds that all this is happening due to the presidential elections in the USA commencing in the upcoming month. Keeping in view his bundle of complaints, I am hereby formulating a policy that will refrain you from any type of political talk here at the workplace.

You all know that office is a place where you get your legit income after working. Wasting your time in useless discussion clearly states that you are not loyal to the company because you are not doing your work properly. This discussion has nothing to do with your business rather you will embarrass and involve yourself in quarreling with your fellows since no one wants to listen to any word against his political beliefs as depicted by your behavior.

You all are considered a great asset for the company but at the same time, we want you to focus only on your work. You are being provided with a one-hour break and you can discuss your political matters and manage your talks during the break if you think this is of that importance.

Owing to the severe nature of the matter, I held a meeting with the board of directors, and we all came up with the following points regarding our policy about the subject matter cited above:

  • Political talks of every kind are banned from now onward within the boundary walls of office because these may have a negative impact on the performance of employees.
  • All employees of the company will be imparted one-day training in order to judge the nature of talk – political or non-political.
  • It is the moral duty of every employee to submit a written complaint against one who breaches the policy. The name of such a person will be kept privately.
  • Keeping in view the severity and frequency of noncompliance, those employees violating the policy will be rewarded such punishments as suspension, keeping under a probationary period, and even termination.

The above-mentioned policy must be followed by each employee working with us. Noncompliance will result in disciplinary actions as mentioned above.

Yours sincerely,

Size: 11 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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