Thank You Letter to Landlord for Cooperation
Admiring or appreciating someone is a very nice gesture. It creates more trust among the two people. It builds the relationship stronger. A helping attitude is always appreciated in life. People strongly get inspired and in return, they also try to be like their inspiration.
In all walks of life, cooperation is an important factor. It is always needed personally and professionally. The landlord and tenant relation need much cooperation.
As in the rental house, various issues can arise and they can only be resolved if the landlord is cooperative. As the rental house contract has a lot of limitations and tenant has to follow them. As he is bound, he has to take permission from the landlord for big changes or resolving of problems.
A cooperative landlord is a great blessing. Nowadays, it is common that people are living in far-off places for their jobs and they have to keep their families with them. For this purpose, the rental business is having a wide expansion. The landlords, as well as tenants, need to be friendly for coping with each other in difficulties.
Letter -1
Tom Daniel
36 St. Renton Enclaves, New Jersey
3rd September 20XX
Mr. Willits Winston
Landlord, WW Associates & Proprietors
42 St, Blue Hills Enclaves, New jersey
Dear [Recipients Name],
I am writing to express my heartiest gratitude for being so cooperative. My rental contract is ending in 15 days. It has been 8 years I have spent in the house. This was really a very good time. You were always being very helpful in solving the problems. Your repairing services were very satisfactory which I have utilized for minor issues. My family is also very grateful to you for cooperating in difficult times when I was out of the station.
You always made me comfortable in the hour of need. Above all, the house was very comfortable. And all utilities have not encountered any big problem so far. I will recommend it to my family and friends. Words are not enough to thank you. Wish you the best of luck always. Hope to stay in touch.
Thank you.
Yours Truly,
Tom Daniel

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Letter -2
Dear Mr. [name]
I [name] am writing to thank you for your cooperation regarding the issues we faced right after shifting.
When we took your house on rent, you had assured us that if any repairs were required you would get them done. Therefore, when we found the water pipes in the kitchen, leaking, and the seepage issue in the guest room, we informed you but we were not expecting you to act so swiftly. You came the very next day to have a look and called the plumber the same day. The issues were resolved within days and we are comfortable and settled now.
We are truly impressed that you kept your word and were so concerned about our discomfort. This goes to show what a fine human you are. Such people are rare to find in today’s selfish world and we are very lucky to have you as our property owner.
We would like to assure you that we would take care of this house and you would not regret trusting us. My wife is a home decor enthusiast and I am fond of gardening.
We have some very nice ideas regarding the backyard. Once we are done with the decoration, we would invite you over to have a look. I am sure you would be very happy to see the way we have kept the house. In the end, we would like to express our gratitude once again Thank you!

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