Letter of Permission to Use Laboratory


Subject: Permission to use laboratory [X]

Dear Sir, my name is Anderson, and I am working as an assistant manager in [ABC polymers]. Through this letter, I want to seek your permission for using your laboratory facilities for a period of three months. We are involved in the plastic business and are famous for our best export quality plastic products throughout the world. We receive the orders from various companies and send them after completion all over the world.

Recently, we received a huge order of various plastic products by a well-known multi-national company. The time allocated for this project is less than our routine and we do not want to miss this project also.

Usually, we perform all the analysis of samples in our well-established laboratory but this time, using our laboratory alone will not be enough to deal with such a huge amount of the samples. I know that yours is a well-established lab which is equipped with all the modern facilities in terms of equipment and that you had been offering your lab services to other organizations of the town as well.

That is why I have chosen your lab to conduct an analysis of samples and therefore writing this letter to you to seek your permission to use your laboratory facilities so that the project would be completed within the specified limit of time.

A list of all the equipment, chemicals, and reagents that are expected to be used is hereby attached to this letter for your consideration. We are also ready to pay you a handsome amount in lieu of testing.

Please entertain my request and if you reply positively then let me know the laboratory expenses for three months so that the advance payment could be made as early as possible. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely,

Size: 18 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



Subject: Permission to use laboratory

Dear Sir,

I am Jackson, working as a scientific officer in the Stars Pharmaceuticals industries. I am writing this letter to seek your permission to use your laboratory facilities including chemicals, reagents, and other instruments for an estimated period of three months. We produce quality medicines and are therefore famous for our high export quality medicines and life-saving drugs throughout the world.

You also know that the production of quality medicine is only possible when these are analyzed and tested for their effectiveness time and again and a well-established laboratory is a pre-requisite in this regard.

Usually, we perform all such analyses in our own lab but recently we have received a big order from various multinational companies for huge medicinal production but the analysis facilities available in our lab are not sufficient to deal with such a big project and if we do not use any other lab in addition to our own, the order may get delayed.

Owing to this reason, we, therefore, request you to support us and issue a permit so that we can use your laboratory for analysis purposes.

A list of all the equipment, chemical reagents, and other instruments that are expected to be used in this production is being attached to this letter so that you may view it. You are again requested to entertain my request and grant us permission to use your lab for the aforementioned period.

Please reply to this letter through an email/letter if you are agreed and let us know the estimated amount of laboratory expenses. I promise that this amount will be paid in advance as earlier as possible. Your positive response is being expected.

Yours sincerely,

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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