Acceptance of a Resignation Letter
Dear Allan, earlier in the morning, I received your letter. I was sorry to hear that you want to leave your position as assistant manager of marketing. On behalf of management, I hereby accept your resignation with mixed feelings. Thank you for informing us one month in advance and giving us sufficient time to find a suitable replacement.
You always maintained an excellent attendance record and were blessed with exceptional work skills. Everybody enjoyed working with you due to your friendly attitude. Finding someone who exactly matches your skills will not be an easy task. It is true that the departure of a talented employee is bitter news to hear. You have spent quality time and your services will never be forgotten. Good managers are hard to find so keep us in your mind if your new job does not match your expectations. The doors of the company are always open for you.
You have earned your name as an efficient and careful manager for the company. The company will never forget hundreds of those hours you spent working in addition to assigned duties. Your faithfulness, loyalty, and cooperation were witnessed even during the hard times of the company. Even then you stood tall and showed a great deal of commitment to the company. Your excellent strategies helped the company come out of its difficult times. We give you full credit for developing and restructuring its marketing department.
I will be honored if you ask me to write a recommendation letter for your new job. Although you are leaving this company, your services will be remembered for a long time. I really want to know the reasons behind your sudden resignation. For this purpose, I have arranged a meeting on [date]. You are expected to attend it and indicate all pitfalls you have observed.
We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Sample -2
Subject: Acceptance of a Resignation Letter
Dear Allan,
This is with reference to your resignation letter received on [date]. You are hereby informed that your resignation letter for the post of assistant manager of HR has been accepted by management. You will be relieved from your services with effect from the 1st of December 20XX.
Allan, it will be difficult for us to find a sincere employee like you. The HR department will not be the same in your absence. You have been an asset to this company throughout your employment period. You always amazed us through your excellent and professional working skills. We witnessed your growth from an HR internee to a manager-level post. The way you handled many difficult projects was awesome and you are also being awarded a certificate of excellence for this purpose.
As per company rules, the HR department is bound to settle your dues before you leave the company. We have also forwarded your resignation letter to the accounts department and HR department for final settlement. Moreover, an information sheet for exiting employees is also attached with this letter. It contains information about payment of group insurance and final payment to relieving employees. Please read it carefully and if you have any concerns regarding your benefits, you may contact the accounts department.
Keeping the traditions of this company, you are also requested to participate in an exit interview to provide us with valuable feedback. This is optional for you but if you participate, it will be appreciated. If you agree then inform us through email so that necessary arrangements for the same could be made.
In the end, you are directed to return any company property you still have in your possession on or before the last date of your employment.
Your valuable services to this company will always be remembered. We wish you all the best for your bright future.

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Sample -3: Short format
Dear (Recipient’s Name),
I am writing this letter to you regarding your resignation letter that I received recently. We need you for our business as you are among one of our most capable employees but I also understand that your resignation is for a reason which you mentioned in the letter. I hereby approve your letter of resignation. In addition to that, I also want to thank you for your services to our company. We all wish you very good luck.
Please collect your experience letter and cheque from my office. Thank you!
I [title] [name] am writing to you regarding your resignation letter dated [date]. I formally accept your resignation on behalf of [company name]. We expect you to work for the notice period of [number] month as agreed upon in the contract you signed at the time of employment on [date]. [Date] would be your last working day with us. Your case has been forwarded to the finance department which would ensure that all your dues are cleared by the time you leave.
We would like to thank you for all the hard work and dedication you have shown over the years. We are sure you have learned a lot during your time with us and would use this in your potential projects. We wish you all the best in your future undertakings.
I [title] [name] formally accept your resignation letter dated [date] on behalf of [company name]. As per your contract, you are expected to work your notice period. The [finance] department has been informed about your resignation and told to clear your dues timely. In case of any further quarries, please feel free to contact Mr [name] the [title] of [department name]. You can call him at [phone number] or email at [email address].
We would like to take this opportunity to appreciate your hard work and the dedication that you have shown while working for us. You were an asset to the [name] team and a very valued employee. We deeply regret your immigration to [country name], you would surely be missed. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.