Apology Letter for Immediate Resignation


Subject: Apology for immediate resignation

Dear Sir,

I am very sorry and therefore apologizing through this letter for sending you my immediate resignation from the post of marketing director of [ABC industries]. I never wanted to leave your company but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I have to resign from this position.

My resignation should be considered as effective one week from today, Monday 01 January, 20XX. I am extremely sorry for any inconvenience which may be caused to you or any of my colleague in the office due to my immediate resignation. At the same time, I expect from you that you will understand my present circumstances owing to which, I am not able to send you to advance notice of this immediate resignation. Also, I will not send you any additional notification of my resignation.

I had dedicated myself to the well-being of the company and had intentions to serve it up to my last breath but some unanticipated reasons will not allow me to continue with this company. Currently, I have two ongoing projects in the final phase of their completion and I hereby promise that these will be completed before I leave the company.

It is obvious that my post will be replaced by somebody in near future and if you want me to train that incumbent, I will be more than happy to train that individual. In this regard, you can approach me through email or my personal cellular number which is registered in this company.

I really enjoyed my whole employment period in this organization and I am thankful for the experience and expertise which I gained while staying here. My apology once again for immediate resignation and leaving your worthy company without any prior notice.

Yours sincerely,


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Subject: Apology for immediate resignation

Dear Sir,

With an apology, I hereby regret to inform you through this letter that I am resigning from my position of assistant manager finance from [ABC Company] immediately. This letter of mine should be considered as immediate resignation and tomorrow will be the last day of my employment in this company and I would not be able to provide my services anymore thereon. It is witnessed from my past that I had put my every effort for the well-being of this company and did not want to leave it owing to which, I have been forced to send you my immediate resignation letter.

This company has provided me a lot more opportunities to polish my skills and excel in my career and for this reason, I am extremely thankful for the management. Throughout my stay in this company for the last 20 years, my personality grew up and I can say that these years were instrumental in terms of transforming me into an influential manager. I will always remember my colleagues and the best time I spent with you people.

I am aware of the inconvenience which will be caused because of my immediate resignation and to compensate for this, please let me know what I can do in this regard to make my replacement easier. At the same time, I am hopeful that you will accept my apologies regarding this resignation. If you think it workable, I may be available from home through phone calls or emails to answer all the queries for a couple of weeks following the last day of my service in this organization.

I am sorry again and hopeful that you will accept my apology for immediate resignation.

Yours sincerely,


Size: 19 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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