Church Volunteer Welcome Letter

A welcome letter for a church volunteer is written to appreciate the participant for his choice of serving the church. The best way to thank a church volunteer is to acknowledge him/her publicly even before they start working for the noble cause.


This letter has been written to you as a welcome invitation from [Name of church] Church. It is an honor to have you as an avid volunteer to join us in praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It makes you know him more closely and you may find the right way to follow him as a dedicated adherent.

I hope you find it inspiring to be spiritually nourished as our aim is to develop wholesome, mature, Christ-like people. It will not only help you to be more spiritual and get closer to Christ but will also improve your personality attributes as an individual. It will also make you learn how to respect, empathize, and help other people in their spiritual and worldly matters.

In a nutshell, there will be a positive change in society as well because of the service of God in the service of mankind in real meaning.

Hope to see you soon; God bless you!


Size: 18 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



The purpose of writing this letter to you is to encourage you for volunteering at Church [Church’s name]. We value your enthusiasm and zest in helping us to promote our aim at this time when we needed enthusiastic volunteers like you so badly.

As we all know that the coronavirus has henpecked each global headline to date and has caused unending panic and fear in the hearts of many. Being a follower of Christ, our response to the current global pandemic reflects our belief in who dictates the world.

We believe that God has called you to show up to the community in this emergent situation and respond in faith. Many of our volunteers have unfortunately fallen prey to this pandemic. So, having you with us in this disastrous time is not less than a sheer blessing. 

We want you to come to the Church following all the SOP’S religiously and get the test done beforehand so that we may continue serving our God by not forgetting to be responsible citizens without any violation of the precautions. 

We aim to provide a safe Christian atmosphere that has its part in the wellbeing of the people.

Hope to have you in Church soon!


Size: 19 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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