Category: Pending Letters
1- I [Title] [Name] from [department name] am writing to you regarding your internet usage during office hours in the previous month. As you know, every employee’s bandwidth usage is monitored, and everyone has been assigned a very generous limit, keeping in mind the demands of the work assigned to them. Your internet usage was twice your account limit, which does not match the requirements of your work. These privileges...
A partnership, team, and helpers get the work done. Certain jobs cannot be dealt with and managed by an individual alone. Therefore, it is important that helpers are acknowledged. Only the devoted work of all the members can bring the best results. The letter given below can be used in this regard to acknowledge assistants’ work and encourage them to work even better in the future. Sample -1 I am...
Letter -1 I am writing to inform you that I am very disappointed with your receptionist’s behavior. I have been visiting your dental clinic for the last six months, but last night, she was extremely rude to me. My name is [X], and I am your regular patient. I am suffering from a severe tooth infection. You prescribed that I undergo a root canal this week. I was in pain,...
1. I am [name] from [hotel name] and I am writing to you about the incident that took place on [date]. We understand that you had booked room number [number] in our all-inclusive resort in [location] on [date] but when you reached the resort, you were told that the room you had requested for, is not available. We want to apologize for this mishap. It was a case of double...
Usually, the employees of a company are well aware of a company’s policies, however, the policies are not permanent. They may change as per requirements. At other times, a new policy is introduced. Though the change of a policy or the introduction of a new policy is brought into the knowledge of employees in official meetings, it is still important and a business norm too to individually inform the employees...
Letter -1 I [title] [name] am writing to you in reference to your last projects’ late submission. When you were assigned the project you were duly informed that it is time-sensitive and it was critical to its success that you complete your part in time. You were given frequent reminders in the meetings held to discuss progress but you still didn’t pick up your pace. Now since the tender was...
Every company has its rules and regulations and the employees working in it are expected to follow those rules and regulations. An employee handbook also states the dos and don’t parameters that an employee is supposed to keep. In the case of the violation of any rule or policy of the company, prompt action should be taken and the respective employee should be criticized for doing so. Letter -1 Dear...
Employees join business employers at different times so the period of service of all employees is different. One of the ways to encourage and appreciate employees is to wish them their work anniversaries. This is a great way to boost their energies. A letter of congratulation to an employee for his job anniversary should have courteous and generous wishes and a mention of the notable services that the employee has...
Employees of different mindsets and natures work under one room in the business environment. It is then natural for conflicts and issues to arise. Also, the attitudes of certain employee/employees can affect others. In such a case, there is no better choice but to reach the employer in private to report about the issue one is facing. Usually, junior employees do not dare to complain about their colleagues especially if...
Letter -1 I am writing this letter to inform you that you have been in direct violation of a company policy. We have been informed that you have been using office stationery items for your own personal use and have taken several items home which were office property. These items are missing from the inventory and were reported missing to HR by the relevant department. As you are aware it...
Employees do not usually reach employers with their complaints. However, when they do, it is the employer who is responsible for responding to the complaints. When a response to a complaint is written that has been made by an employee it should be made sure that; This letter can be written to respond to an employee’s complaint about the manager’s attitude. 1- I am [title] [name] from the [department name]...
The purpose of this letter is to encourage an increase in company sales by the joint effort of all employees. As you all are aware the sales at our company have been at an all-time low for the past few months. The COVID pandemic has severely affected our sales as a movement has been limited due to lockdown and restrictions. The company has been suffering financial losses and it has...
How are employers able to pay their employees? It is by generating revenues from their business. But since businesses don’t remain static, they keep moving between profit and loss, there come times when a business faces financial pressures and continuous loss, and this bars the business employer to continue to pay his employees since no profit or progress is being made. In such situations, in order to reduce the load,...
#1 We regret to inform you that your contract of employment has been terminated with effect from 14th November 20XX. This termination was decided upon by the board of directors after carefully examining your previous performance. You have been under probation for past two months as we had received several complaints from your team members regarding your professional attitude. There had been complaints of you not working well with your...
In a globe where companies have implemented a policy of terminating employees with small or no notice, it seems hilarious that we should have to give this any consideration. Most organization Human Resource (HR) units will need a formal letter of your motives to retire. This is because they can place it in your file. Ensure that you include things like specific dates so that they can determine any outstanding...
Letter -1 As you all know that our company, Crescent and Co., is known not only for our excellent services but also for scenic beauty and natural landscapes. We strive to maintain the beautiful interior of our premises and for the past many years, we have preserved its beauty with flowers and greenery. We wish to provide an environment to our employees which are healthy and conducive for work. Keeping...
Announcing a business anniversary letter is a letter to memorialize the anniversary of your business. It improves the good reputation of your business affiliates and customers. You may prefer to offer a party or give out gifts or rewards to the customers. You could also include things like a marketing brochure in this letter. It should be short and must have a personalized touch. You could finish the letter with...
When an employee is promoted or transferred to another location or branch of the company all the employees are informed about it. This is partly to inform them of the promotion and partly to decide the alternatives of the employee or the work distribution that will be made after him in case no new employee takes his place. 1. I am very pleased to announce that our Accounts Assistant, Mr....
Regardless of whether you’ve acknowledged a job offer over the phone, it’s significant to write a formal acceptance letter. Expressing in writing your understanding of the conditions of employment will help eliminate any misunderstandings before they can grow out of control. Your employment acceptance letter is not an agreement, but if any legitimate question ever arises over the conditions of your occupation, it definitely cannot hurt to have your comprehension...
1- I am writing to give you the sad news of Mr. [name]’s father’s demise. As you all know that Mr. [name] was working as [designation] in our [department name] for [number] years. Last year he had requested a transfer to take care of his father who had been diagnosed with Lung cancer. After a long and testing battle with the disease, he left for his heavenly abode on [date]....