Letter to Confirm New Policies Implementation

This letter is written to let the staff of the company or any organization knows that old policies have been replaced by a new one. This letter contains a type of notification for others. It is important to give all the details related to the policies. The letter should explain the background of policies.

For example, the old policies may have been discussed in some previous meetings where the participants of the meeting would have decided to change them. The date, day and time of that meeting should be written in the letter. Another important thing to be included in the letter is the reason for changing the new policies and also telling in detail all the effects which the company will have on it due to the implementation of new policies.

The letter for new policies implementation is written to ensure that the old policies are no longer functional. You can also list down all the new policies which are going to be implemented.

Sample Letter #1

This letter has been written to confirm the policies which were discussed in the last meeting held on [Day/Date]. Those policies have been summarized and are given below:

  1. [Policy Detail]
  2. [Policy Detail]
  3. [Continue…]

The new policies should be known by all subordinates so that they can handle all the uncertainties like those which emerged in past. Your support for the implementation of the policies is required and we hope that the new policies will be very much beneficial for both company and the people working in it.


I hereby confirm through this letter that the company has changed its policy regarding latecomers. It has come to my attention that a lot of employees are in habit of coming late to office. Sometimes customers have to wait for a long time due to the non-availability of the dealing person. You must remember that company gives supreme importance to customers. If they are pleased and satisfied with our services, they will make a purchase.

Effective from 1st August, the company has decided to impose a fine on all habitual latecomers. Earlier management used to overlook such employees without warning them. Now there will be a 5% reduction in salary of all employees marked as late for more than three times in one month.

This decision has been taken because of an alarming number of latecomers. This issue has become a serious one and required rapid action to make sure that every employee report on time.

Dear all, this is an era of tight competition where every company strives hard to construct its worth in presence of many competitors. If employees report late at their workplace, it causes great harm to the overall working of the company. Moreover, the productivity of such a company is adversely affected.  

Remember, this policy has been introduced for your convenience. Although it seems harsh, you will receive even more benefits from it. If employees report on time, they will easily meet their sales target and increase their commission. Therefore, the company’s financial pressure will also be alleviated, and it will retain more employees.

Since this policy has been confirmed and going to be implemented very soon, you are required to abide by it. There will be a considerable reduction in the number of latecomers if the policy is followed in letter and spirit. Your immediate compliance with this policy will highly be appreciated.

Thank you for your cooperation.



I hereby confirm that the company is going to implement a change in its policy regarding computer and data usage. Effective from 1st August, office computer and internet can only be used for company-related tasks. These are no longer meant for personal or unofficial usage. The said policy must be followed by each employee of the company. Earlier there was no restriction but recent records about internet usage are indicating its misuse.

Employees are using the internet for personal downloading, online games, and social media activities. These malpractices have resulted in overconsumption of the internet and reduced data connectivity. I am making it clear that none of these activities is allowed within the office premises even during break time. These have nothing to do with your productivity.

As per the new policy, employees are directed to refrain from unauthorized use of the internet and computer. Any employee who is found violating it will be answerable to management and may be charged for the same. Our IT expert has installed software that can block and detect unofficial data usage. It also reports such violators to their respective supervisors.

Your compliance with this policy will be highly appreciated. We are hopeful to see a positive change in your behavior. So, cooperate with us to make this policy effective.

I wish you all the best of luck.



I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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