Doctor Referral Letter for Patient with Special Needs
I am Dr. [name] from [department name] writing to you on behalf of my patient [name]. I have been treating Mrs. [name] for the last [number] years. She is [age] years old and has a history of hypertension and DM. she is currently on no medication since BP and blood sugar were controlled without it.
The reason that I am referring to you is that she is experiencing urinary frequency and Nocturia for a month now. The patient had chronic Nocturia for many years but it was limited to 1-2 events a night now the patient is feeling the need to void every hour or two hours at maximum. There is no incontinence.
Her baseline tests were taken and the results showed that the LFTs and RFTs are normal. CBC showed decreased HB and increased TLC [first 16 then after antibiotics dropped to 10). Urine DR was normal. I am attaching the detailed test results and her previous medical history.
In my professional opinion, you as a urologist would be able to help her better. I have sent her to your PA for the appointment. I would urge you to give her an appointment at the earliest considering her condition and age. If there is anything else you need to ask regarding her medical history or the medication she has been taking, please feel free to contact me on [phone number] or through email at [email address]. I am sure that with your expertise and experience her problem would be resolved in no time.
I am Dr. [name] from ER department. Last night Mr. [name] was brought to the emergency department during my call. His presenting complaints were left arm numbness and chest heaviness. During the examination, he became drowsy and stopped responding to commands. His GCS was 6/15 and his BP was 210/110.
He was intubated in ER and sent for CT Brain and ECG. ECG shows Anterior Wall Ischemia. CT Brain shows point bleed. Angiography is done. And Echo would be repeated today.
Treatment given till now is:
Meropenem 1g iv BD
Vancomycin 1g stat
Terrace 500 mg 12h
Omeprazole 40mg OD
Since you are the HOD of our Neurology department, I am referring this case to you. I am attaching all his baseline tests and details of the treatment given in the ER, with this letter and you can contact me for any further information you might require at [phone number] or email at [email address].

In hospitals and clinics, different kinds of patients come to get examined by doctors on daily basis. It is thus necessary that they are provided with the best treatments but, sometimes patients with more crucial problems and diseases need to be referred to doctors. This needs a reference letter to the specific doctor of a certain department. It is also necessary to appreciate the doctor’s hard work and assistance towards you. Keeping this in mind the following letter has been written that can be used in these terms.
This letter has been written in reference to the patient no. 1276 with [name of disease] who needs to be referred to the [doctor’s name] in the specialist department. He has chronic [name of disease] which is getting worse day by day. That is why he needs special treatment timely.
As [doctor’s name] has a high rate of success in curing the disease, it is, therefore, preferred that this patient must get treatment from a certain doctor. We would send this patient to the specialized department when he comes to the hospital next time. I am confident that our hospital has enough capacity to meet the patient’s needs. Kindly do accept him under your care. I appreciate your hard work. Thank you very much for all your help.