Warning Letter to Tenant for Property Damage


During my last visit to your apartment, I noticed that you were causing serious damage to my property. I noticed several damages in washrooms, kitchen, dining room and carpets. According to the landlord and tenant act, 1985, it is the responsibility of the tenant to take good care of the rented property. Also, any damage caused by him to the landlord’s property will be recovered by the tenant only.

Owning a rented property is a risky thing and that’s why I was reluctant in accepting you as my tenant. However, it was your responsibility to take care of my property belongings but unfortunately, you were failed to do so. I observed scratches on my new wooden furniture, broken handles of windows and doors, and broken curtain poles. Moreover, wooden sheets of many cupboards were shattered and carpets were ruined by a number of stains. Marks of cigarette burns were obvious at various places. 

Now, it is clear that you have violated clause 11 of our rental agreement. Consequently, you must compensate for the damage you did to my property. A list of damages is attached with this letter and you are directed to pay [US dollars] as compensation. Moreover, I reserve the right to issue you an eviction notice if you will fail to comply with my directions. Honestly, I do not want this thing to happen. I hope you will not worsen the situation anymore and take some necessary steps to resolve the matter. Waiting for your cooperation in this regard.



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Subject: Warning for property damage at [X]

Dear Brett,

During my surprise inspection of your apartment on [date], I noticed many damages to my property belongings. I am very much concerned about damages which were found in kitchen, washrooms and dining rooms. I hope you have read paragraph 10 of our agreement. According to this, you are fully responsible for any damage to my property during the period of your tenancy. In addition, you will pay the amount in lieu of compensation as estimated by the landlord.

If you recall, we were agreed on the condition that you will help keep my property safe. Judging from the poor condition of households, rooms, and kitchen, your non-compliance with terms and conditions was obvious. I want to make you understand that damaging one’s property is not only a violation of agreement but also a punishable offense in this country. Therefore, I am issuing this formal warning letter and notice to deposit 500 US dollars as compensation. You are advised to pay this amount within 15 days.

Please take this warning seriously. In the future, if you do not stop yourself from damaging my property belongings, I will issue you an eviction notice. Your immediate attention to this matter will be appreciated.



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