Letter of Non-compliance to the Order
Re. Non-Compliance of Orders by the [POSITION] Notice
Dear Mr./Ms. [NAME], I am [NAME], the [DESIGNATION] from the [COMPANY]. This letter has been written with strong disapproval and profound disappointment on your demeanor of not working according to the issued orders of Mr. [NAME].
Mr. [NAME] is a [POST] and holds a strong position in the office. Being your immediate supervisor and boss, it is required for you to comply with all the orders given by him. He has complained to the [POST] about your behavior of non-compliance which has been taken seriously.
[NAME], supervisors are recruited to not only supervise the work going on but also to give instant orders whenever needed. According to the complaint, it has been reported that your supervisor, [NAME], asked you to change bullet point no. iv, vii, ix, xx, and xxii of the presentation to be presented for the project of [NAME]. He complains that you did not make any alterations to the presentation and submitted the presentation as it was previously.
According to him, those bullet points in the presentation are in no way for the benefit of the company, rather, they have the potential of complicating the project details. He entails that it would consume more time to make the cost analysis according to the referred bullet points.
Hence, he opines that in case of any delay or failure in the compilation of the data, you would be regarded as responsible. Therefore, you are warned not to act against the given orders by your seniors/supervisors. In case of any confusion, one must ask for further discussion on the matter and amicably resolve the complication as non-compliance to the orders issued by the supervisor or HODs has not to place.
We hope you will not do this again. We also expect you to write an apology to Mr. [NAME] and assure him to not express non-compliance in any of your gestures. We believe that strong teams work together for the best while the fabrication and breaches bring disharmony. If you need to discuss it for another reason, you are welcome to meet me in person or write to me at [EMAIL]. Thank you.

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Re. Notice on the Non-Compliance of the Orders Issued by Office Authorities
Dear [NAME],
On [DATE], it has been indicated to the Administration Office that you are not complying with the orders generated by various authorities. It has been taken to the understanding of administration that you do not intend or want to work on the given assignments. Disinterest and lack of focus in any one of the assignments can be attenuated and justified but expressing non-compliance to every single work given to you cannot be tolerated in case.
It has been stated in the submitted document that you were ordered to visit the site area of [NAME THE AREA] in the follow-up of the project [NAME]. The order was given to you on [DATE] but you did not show up on the site area on the given date. It is fiercely reported that you have not visited the site area to date. On another assignment, you were given the task to meet Mr. [NAME], the [POST] of the [COMPANY] for the final assessment of cost analysis for an urban policy project working on transportation and underpasses.
Such non-compliance to the orders issued by official authorities of the company is highly disregarded and cannot be put in a place. Therefore, you are requested to be advised otherwise strict actions can be taken against your non-compliant behavior that can lead to termination. Thank you.

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