Complaint Letter for Cancelled Flight

Airlines provide transportation services through airplanes to people or things. It is also contributing to the economic development of a country as millions of people are getting jobs in the form of international trade.

It is the fastest mode of transportation. It also proves very helpful during an emergency. People feel much more convenient in traveling to far-off places on the airplane. It is time-saving and less tiring as compared to train or car for distant routes.

The airlines are responsible for keeping a proper check on the services they are providing. The airplanes should be technically checked before every journey to avoid any mishap. As well as the weather conditions should be properly checked before making a flight schedule. The food quality in the airplane should also be kept in the notice. When people face inconvenience regarding canceled flights every time, they make complaints and opt for other airlines.


I want to register my complaint about the flight to [city name] canceled on [date]. I booked a flight on [date] to go from [city] to [city]. I was assured that the flight will take off on time and I would reach [city name] on time. However, on the previous night, I got an email canceling the next day’s flight.

I was going to [city] for my doctor’s appointment. I got the appointment three months back, as Mr. [name] is a very busy doctor. A day before my appointment the flight was canceled by the airline and that too without any valid reason. I cannot put in words the inconvenience I had to face due to this sudden cancellation. I did not expect such unprofessional conduct from a reputed airline like yours.

Please look into this matter and try to avoid such sudden cancellations as they put your reputation at stake. If it is inevitable to cancel a flight, kindly inform the passengers well in time so that they can make alternate plans. In addition, refund the full amount as the cancellation was done by the airline causing unnecessary trouble to the passengers, and they should not be put through additional stress.

Looking forward to a positive response.


I want to register my complaint against the sudden cancelation of the flight [number] on [date]. I had reserved a seat on the flight [number] for traveling from [city] to [city] for a very important business meeting.

I had called flight inquiry the previous day to confirm that the flight was on time and even at that time, I was not informed about any change of plans. But when I arrived at the airport the next day, I was informed that the flight had been canceled due to undisclosed reasons.

This is extremely unprofessional and unethical as the passengers should at least be informed on time in case of flight cancellation so that they can make alternate travel arrangements.

Due to this sudden cancellation, I could not attend my business meeting and the loss and embarrassment I had to bear could have been avoided if the airline had made alternate arrangements or by timely informing about the cancellation.

Please look into this matter and in case of future flight cancellations, arrange alternate travel arrangements so that the passengers do not miss their commitments. Some of my fellow passengers were going for doctor appointments. Some had to attend weddings and some were going to attend the cricket match.

All of us were very disappointed when at the check-in we were informed that the flight has been canceled. This type of negligence and disregard for passengers’ inconvenience reflects very badly on you.

Looking forward to a better experience next time.


James Wheelock
Block 56C, Sun Shine Avenue, New York.


Mr. Robert Mc. Wordsworth.
Alpha Airlines
25 St. Fifth Hall Avenue, New York.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I am writing to complain about my terrible experience with your airline. Yesterday, I had my flight QED234 as scheduled on 13th May 20XX at 4:00 p.m. to Ottawa. I heard about the flight cancellation just 3 hours ago, I have faced much inconvenience because of the cancellation. I had my seminar on the same day.

Due to the cancellation, I missed the seminar. That seminar was related to my seniority exams. I felt much distressed and upset. I must again wait for the whole year to attend this seminar. It was just because of your late information about cancellation.

You informed me 30 minutes before the flight departure. In those 30 minutes, I tried my best to go for other airlines but all in vain due to the shortage of time. There was not a single seat available on any other flight. You would be careful about any technical faults beforehand. In this way, you are losing customers’ trust. Please reimburse my ticket money in a day or two.

I hope you would be careful in the future.


James Wheelock.


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