Letter Requesting Funds from Authorities
In today’s time funds are a great source of helping others. A lot of NGO’s are working for helping the needy and deserving. NGO’s follow a proper channel to raise funds, which is also beneficial in creating awareness among different sectors of society. Awareness brings motivation among people in different sectors of society.
A lot of big companies are always found interested in providing a different kind of funds. Such kind of letters always requires very polite and humble requests. And fundraising campaigns need to have an attractive package to get the required amounts.
For serious considerations, a proposal of the fund should be detailed, organized and specific providing all needed and valuable information because a lot of requests and proposals come together.
Some foundations have already prescribed their special and specific areas of interest, so we need to find them accordingly. For this purpose, research methodology proves very helpful. A short to the point request is always considered.
I am writing to request funds for the refugee camp set up at [name of place]. I am serving as [designation] at this camp since [date]. When I was sent here, the conditions were really bad. The tents were insufficient.
Due to mismanagement, the food would either go to waste or finish before the new supplies arrived. Also there were no doctors and number of the sick and the injured was rising with every passing day.
I organized the camp, arranged more tents. Rationed the food supplies and arranged doctors’ visit twice a month. Now the conditions have somewhat stabilized but due to approaching winters, the requirement for blankets and warm clothing is increasing.
We are already stretching the low funds available to us to make the ends meet. We have no money to cater for these additional expenses.
Please grant us more funds to procure the following:
- Blankets
- Warm clothing for [number] of people
- Fuel for keeping the camp warm.
Looking forward to swift action from your side,
I am the principal of the [name] branch of your school system. The building of our branch is [name] years old. It is in need of immediate renovation. The walls need a fresh coat of paint and the washrooms need new fittings. Also the furniture is broken and needs to be replaced. The auditorium needs new curtains and audio equipment like mike etc.
We need funds for the renovation and restoration of the school building as it is now affecting the school’s image and the student’s activities. Please pay immediate attention to this issue as some areas of the building are increasingly becoming unsafe to use.
To avoid any unfortunate incident and ensure student’s and staff’s safety, currently all such areas have been sealed but this is not a permanent solution.
The science laboratories lack proper equipment due to breakage and no restocking. Our science students have been complaining for a long time and we have tried to address their grievance to some extent but it is not possible without more funds.
Please look in to this matter on priority basis. Looking forward to swift action from your side.
Blue Hill Dreams.
David Wordsworth
56 St. Blue Avenue, Nevada.
Mr. Williams Wheelock
Sunrise Innovations Ltd.
Block 11C, Renton Avenue, Las Vegas.
Dear [Recipients Name],
Hope you are doing great. It has been a long time I have formally approached you. I am sending you the request for granting the funds as our NGO is starting a school for the deserving children. You are aware of our NGO that It has been working since last ten years. Our reputation is good enough as we believe trust of the people is always considered more valuable.
We did all the necessary research on your company which shows that you are specifically interested in granting funds for the educational sector. Enclosed with my letter are the required cost, budget and time needed to build the school.
I hope a better and quick response from your foundation. As per your reputation you were always been participating in educational sector solely and through different organizations. Your kind consideration will bring a lot of talented and brilliant students who are willing to study.
I look forward to your generous response.
David Wordsworth
Funds Manager, Blue Hill Dream
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