Letter to Confirm that an Error will be Corrected
I [title] [name] am writing to you from [department name] in reference to your complaint that your details entered in the office database are incorrect. We sincerely apologize for this mistake. Although we had circulated an email to the entire office before uploading it to the database, requesting everyone to confirm the information entered against their name as it was easier to rectify the error then. No response to the email was meant to signify that the information is correct.
Please provide us with the correct information now i.e., your date of birth, year of completion of your degree, and permanent address. It would be updated in the database within [number] days after you provide us with the information.
Regretting the inconvenience, you faced and hoping to rectify it ASAP,
Yours Sincerely,
I [title] [name] from [organization name] am writing to you about the order we received from you on [date]. Your usual order is for [name of product] in [quantity]. However, the order we received on [date] from you was for [quantity]. This is way above the normal order size so we looked into the matter and have amended it to the usual quantity after consulting your [designation] from [department] on [date] through email.
In case of any further queries, please feel free to contact Mr. [name] at [email address] or call him at [phone number].
Yours sincerely,

In businesses, sometimes an error occurs in official documents, project files, company journals, etc. If such an error is reported or is caught by the relevant persons themselves, a formal announcement should be made, confirming that the error will be corrected. Some errors are minute to be ignored but in businesses, nothing should be taken for granted. Even the minute errors when they are corrected with full responsibility prove the level of professionalism of that business’s professionals.
In such a letter, where an announcement is made regarding the correction of an error, a tone of confession and apology should opt especially when the error could have serious consequences. For example, if a business submitting its quarterly report makes an error, this can be a real-time problem for them. Or the errors in the financial transactions, project estimation, etc. can cause real damage to the reputation of the business. It is, therefore, important to write letters of confirmation of correction of errors if such an error is pointed out.
Dear [enter recipient],
After yesterday’s meeting, the meeting minutes were distributed among all the participants. Today I was informed by Mr. [enter the name of employee] about a mistake in the project’s total estimated amount. A digit is missing which is making the total amount half a million less than the actual amount. I am shocked that no one else caught this huge error including myself. I would like to confirm that this error will be corrected and that fresh copies of the minutes will be distributed among you. Thanks to Mr. [enter employee name].