Complaint Letter for Unprofessional Behavior of Manager


Subject: Complaining unprofessional behavior at [X]

Dear Sir,

I am writing you to seek your help in resolving the problem that I am facing nowadays. I want to file a complaint against my marketing manager, Neil Johnson. I have been working under his direct supervision since last year. Although I tried my best to form a good association with him but every time I received callous treatment from his side. In the language of business, his behavior is unprofessional. I am writing you as the last resort and I am sure you will help me solve this issue.

Since the first day of my joining, I have been performing my duty wholeheartedly and punctually. I am in habit of completing all the tasks well before the deadline and try to work as per my competencies and skills. My real problem is my immediate boss who behaves unprofessionally at the workplace. His behavior is rude to me and I have strong reasons to believe it. You know that the goals of an organization cannot be fulfilled without an exemplary employee-supervisor relationship. Contrary to this fact, my current manager has hostile nature. He tries to dominate and suppresses the employees all the time.

Normally, I would appreciate the anger and scolding from my seniors only when these are related to my work. However, Neil Johnson has humiliated me several times in front of the whole staff over the matter of a small mistake.  Until now, I have been tolerating him but he has crossed the limits of morality so many times. I cannot tolerate his unprofessional behavior anymore.

I request you to enquire about his unprofessional and rude behavior from my colleagues. Please direct him not to commit such unprofessionalism at the workplace if he is found guilty. Your kind and immediate attention to resolve my frustrating problem will be appreciated.

I hope you will understand my condition. Thank you in anticipation.

Thomson Miller

Size: 23 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



Subject: Unprofessional behavior at [X]

Dear Sir,

I am writing you this letter after receiving no response from management. I informed them several times through letters and phone calls but they did not pay any attention to my request. Now, I wish to seek your assistance in solving my frustrating problem which is the unprofessional behavior of our marketing manager at the workplace. He is famous for his unprofessionalism in terms of scolding, humiliating, and even beating the employees. Moreover, he uses vulgar language at the workplace over the matter of small mistakes. In short, his rude and unprofessional attitude has placed the good name of the company at risk.

Our marketing manager has created a hostile environment within the office which is not conducive to working. On [date], he called me in his office and asked me about an assignment that was incomplete at that time. When I told him the reality, he started scolding and abusing me and got furious. I remained silent because it was my duty to complete the assigned task on time. Unfortunately, the situation became worst when he slapped me and kicked my body several times.

Sir, I want to maintain the good repute of my company, otherwise, I could have lodged a police complaint against his act. At the same time, I want to make you realize that such rudeness committed by a boss is not acceptable at any cost. I request you to enquire about the matter personally and direct the marketing manager to behave professionally. I am also enclosing a signed document of all my colleagues who witnessed the incident. Your prompt action is required to solve this frustrating problem.

Thanking you in anticipation.


John Smith

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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