Announcing Business Milestone Anniversary

Keeping the work environment healthy by positive reinforcements should be the major goal of every employer who wants his employees to devote their selfless efforts to the growth of the company. Such reinforcements don’t always have to be bonuses or extra paid leaves, one can contribute to increasing the work morale of the workers by simply including them in the company’s big moments.

Verbal appreciations can encourage your subordinates to perform even better. A wise boss should keep looking for opportunities to boost up his team spirit. This can also win workers’ confidence as they’d realize their boss is not interested in the only drill and repeat like robots but reckons their input.

Everyone likes to have recognition of their work. Companies that do not appreciate or recognize their employees’ hard work don’t have a healthy work environment. In such places, workers are never satisfied even if they are given their salary on time and they keep exploring other options in pursuit of a more relaxed atmosphere. Mental well-being is everyone’s priority and a necessity for a better output. If the workplace does not offer that, people stop progressing, ending up in the company’s loss.

Henceforth, as an emphatic employer, you should keep your team in high spirits by including them in the company’s success and milestones. The best approach to it should be writing a letter to announce the event. If your company has made a certain milestone or if it’s the anniversary of that milestone, write them a letter announcing the business milestone anniversary. Pay your homage to both your employees and clients to how the company started from scratch and grew up tall and strong owing to their services and trust.

Following is a draft for announcing a business milestone anniversary for you. Have a look and change the details as per your requirements.

Sample Letter

Dear All,

Today marks the anniversary of our last business milestone that made us reach a new height making Modern Solutions an international firm in the Oil and Gas niche. As we are celebrating the day, the company would take this opportunity to dedicate this anniversary to all its loyal employees.

Without our dedication and selfless devotion, we would not have made it. We truly reckon and wholeheartedly appreciate your efforts in the pursuit of growing the company business and fetching new clients. Modern Solutions is proud to have a productive and vigorous team. We have great regard for all the employees for expanding the business. We expect you to continue with this hard work and grow your status in the company. 

We also pay our gratitude to all our clients who took confidence in our services and trusted us in executing your projects. With your continuous feedback and positive reinforcements, we shall soon touch the sky and bring forth new trends in the market.

Please keep your faith and hope alive in us allowing us to be in the services of your best interests.


Mark Buffalo,
Executive CEO,
Modern Solutions

Size: 21 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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