Application for Name and Address Change in Bank

Whenever an individual goes opts for opening a bank account, he is required by law to provide all necessary documentation needed to carry out the account opening process. Apart from other information required by the bank, the major details include your name with the correct spellings, your address, and your contact number. These details along with others must be provided by the applicant to the bank.

Once provided the bank then verifies all the information. You need to be very clear with all the paperwork. One must be sure of the accuracy of the information he is passing on to the bank. Here it is important to state that if you had provided a certain piece of information to the bank like for example your address and due to some reason, you had to shift your place of living, then you are required to tell your new address to the bank.

Moreover, if at a certain point you find out that the spellings of your name are incorrect and you need to have them corrected with the bank then for this purpose you need to file an application for a change in address and name in the bank.

In the application, you are required to tell the bank that you had opened an account in the bank and also mentioning the time of opening the account. You will continue further by stating that you had shifted to a new place so this changes your residential address. You will have your new address updated with the bank by stating the new address and directing the bank to change the previous address given by you.

As for the spellings, you first need to give a sincere apology as it was a mistake on your side. Here the individual needs to accept that he was at fault and with great sincerity, he is stating the correct name spellings so that it does not create any further disturbance.

Sample Letter



Dated: 22nd May 20XX

Subject: Application for change in address and name.

Respected Sir,

I John, had recently opened my account in your bank. While doing all the procedures I had made a mistake that I had not detected earlier. Today, when I had received a thanksgiving letter from the bank through email, I had come across mistakes that were done by me. One of which is incorrect name spellings and the second is a mistake in my address.

The spelling of my name is JOHN and not JON whereas the address stated by me is also wrong. The stated address was street no. 211 house number 4, Westwood. The correct address is Street no. 11 and house number 4. Westwood. I am extremely sorry for stating the wrong name spellings and also the wrong address. I understand that you will have to update my records another time and this will take your precious time. With due respect, I request you to update my record.

Yours Sincerely,


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