Warning Letter for Failure to Communicate with Customer
Letter 1:
Subject: Warning for failure to communicate with [XYZ]
Dear Johnson,
This letter is being issued to you owing to your unprofessional behavior at the workplace on the 15th of August, 20XX. We had to launch a new company office at [place name] and I provided you a list of our potential customers because top management was willing to invite them to the said event. Among those customers, there was a prominently highlighted name of Mr. Lee, who is one of the big donators of our company.
I had advised you to invite him through email on a priority basis. But it is very sad to say that you did not put an ear to my instruction and as a result, you failed to communicate with Mr. Lee who was likely to announce another big donation for our new company office if he had been invited.
You cannot measure the level of embarrassment I was feeling during the event in front of higher company officials. It happened due to your negligence and you are held responsible for this.
The company has earned its name after a struggle of 10 years and therefore it wants its employees to be professional and responsible in all respects. It is not for the first time when you committed the mistake. You did the same two months ago and at that time, I gave you a verbal warning considering that you will improve yourself after that. But you failed to show any improvement in your behavior which is not acceptable at all.
Considering this letter as the last warning for your unprofessional behavior, you are advised to show your positive attitude and improve yourself in terms of professionalism. In the future, if you fail to communicate with important customers or fail to provide the required information in time, you will be immediately terminated from the job without wasting any time.
Yours sincerely,

Letter 2:
Subject: Warning for failure to communicate with [ABC]
Dear Robert,
This letter is being issued to you in response to your sheer negligence at the workplace on the 15th of August, 20XX in which you were failed to communicate with the customer at a specified time and thereby causing harm to our repute. It was reported to us by Mr. Spencer that he came to visit our office to find a solution to a problem he was facing with [state problem]. You attended and advised him to go back home because you were supposed to call and suggest him with a solution to his problem. Four days have been passed and you did not call him till now.
Remember Mr. Robert! You are working here as a customer service agent. Your primary duty is to communicate with customers to solve their problems and you are paid for this particular purpose. Our customers mean a lot to us and we cannot tolerate this kind of unprofessionalism with them by any employee of the company.
Since you are a hardworking person by nature and we did not receive any complaint about you before this. Therefore, considering it as your first mistake, you are being issued with this formal warning letter. Keep in mind at the same time that your further mistake of this kind will be dealt away strictly and it may be in the form of initiation of strict disciplinary action against your act.
I hope you understand the nature of the matter and will make a positive change in your attitude.
Yours sincerely,