Category: Appreciation Letters

Letter to Compliment Employee's Performance

Letter to Compliment Employee’s Performance

One of the things that humans crave is appreciation and to be complemented. In day-to-day business work, not all employees perform the same. Every business has different kinds of employees and while some perform on average, there are others that work exceptionally. It is, therefore, important to differentiate the hard workers from average workers by complimenting their performance. A compliment letter to an employee for his performance is written for...

Letter of Appreciation to Staff

Letter of Appreciation to Staff for Various Reasons

Letter -1 I want to take a moment and appreciate your performance over the last few weeks. You have shown dedication, motivation, and persistence in completing the work assigned to you which resulted in meeting all the deadlines for our last few projects. I was very pleased to see the presentation which you all prepared for our clients. The presentation was very well researched, and prepared, and presented all the...

Thank You Letter to Church

Thank You Letter to Church

Human society is decorated with different religions. All religions have different concepts of worship or prayer and believe in the Lord. However, there are common concepts of reforming human beings that are to raise morale and social responsibilities. Human society cannot bring these values into practice till the time religious involvement is not present. In other words, religious involvement can make it easy for society to follow nature’s rules to...

Appreciation Letter to a Pastor

Appreciation Letter to a Pastor

If a person is performing some job in a befitting manner then there are two basic requirements that need to be fulfilled, one is salary and other is an appreciation of his job. But there are some special sorts of jobs that are to serve the humanity and focus on this specific job is well above from salary or appreciation like Priest or Pastor. A Pastor spends his whole life...

Letter of appreciation for good services

Letters of Gratitude and Appreciation

A Sample I am writing this letter to appreciate Mr. [NAME]. He is a hardworking employee of the company. He is very punctual and dedicated to his work. He always meets his deadlines. He shows very positive behavior towards his colleagues. Also, he is emotionally stable and supports his colleagues. Our [XYZ] Company is honored to have such a diligent and committed employee. I wish him the best of success....

Appreciation Letter for Project Completion

Appreciation Letter for Project Completion

Sample -1 I am writing this letter to appreciate your sincere efforts which you have put in the completion of the project “emerald”. On behalf of the whole management, I would like to recognize that apart from set working hours, you people worked extra hours to complete this project within the specified time frame. By means of your professional attitude, this project has been completed one month before the deadline...

Compliment Letter for a Successful Event

Compliment Letter for a Successful Event

Events are categorized into organizational, leisure, cultural and personal events. These all categories are further divided into a variety of sub-categories depending on nature and type. The recipe for the success of all kind of events is planning and management. They are the most important factors. Various pitfalls in event planning like estimate inaccuracy, misunderstanding of requirement, lack of team coordination, cost control, and inefficient customer service should be surmounted....

Compliment Letter for a Successful Conference

Compliment Letter for a Successful Conference

A conference is a formal meeting of people for the interchange of views. People discuss and interchange opinions on the decided topic. There are various benefits of a conference like new business opportunities, strong networking, and expertise, skills, gaining tips and tactics and future prospection. Organizing a conference is a tough job. One needs to have complete knowledge of the type of event to corroborate the needs, work details efficiency,...

Thank You Letter to School Principal

Thank You Letter to School Principal

A school principal is someone who runs the entire institution and takes the burden of hundreds of students and the faculty on his/her own shoulders. They are the people of high value and honorable character. They should be appreciated for their hard work often. This letter is written as a thank you note to the principal of a school by the parents for his/her exemplary services for the institution. The...