Category: Authorization Letter

Authorization Letter for Repair Work of Hotel Rooms

Authorization Letter for Repair Work of Hotel Rooms

For the purpose of management, the work needs to be divided among different people of different ranks. However, when a major decision is to be taken, permission should be taken from the relevant authority that is in most cases only one. Taking the example of a hotel we know that the CEO/ managing directors of the hotel do not keep an eye on every single thing themselves rather the other...

Authorization Letter to Represent on Behalf of Company

Authorization Letter to Represent on Behalf of Company

What is an authorization letter? A letter of authorization is a document that legally allows a person to act on your behalf. An authorization letter should contain all necessary information precisely. Giving authority to someone in a business matter is a tough decision. You are directly responsible for the activities that take place on your behalf, so make sure to authorize the right person. How to draft an authorization letter?...

Authorization Letter to Drive Company Vehicle

Authorization Letter to Drive Company Vehicle

Letter 1: Subject: Authorization to drive company vehicle Dear Johnson, This document serves as a letter conferring upon you the authority to drive the company vehicle. The authorization period is starting from [date] and will end on [date]. Moreover, you must note that this authority is provisional and subject to verification of your related documents such as a valid driving license and correct driving record. Mr. [X], giving you an...

Letter Authorizing Medical Treatment for Father

Letter Authorizing Medical Treatment for Father

Authorization letters are written in order to give authority to a trusted doctor who would treat the concerned patient in the absence of that specific patient’s caretaker. It is an important piece of paper that gives the total responsibility of the patient to the authorized doctor. It includes the signatures of both the assigned doctor and the caretaker. In this way, all of the authority of the patient is given...