Category: Pending Letters

Letter to Respond to Complaint on Manager's Attitude

Letter to Respond to Complaint on Manager’s Attitude

Employees do not usually reach employers with their complaints. However, when they do, it is the employer who is responsible for responding to the complaints. When a response to a complaint is written that has been made by an employee it should be made sure that; The employee is not criticized for taking his complaint to the employer. He responded with a tone of appreciation and a clear impression that...

Letter to terminate employment due to workforce reduction

Letter to Terminate Employment Due to Workforce Reduction

How are employers able to pay their employees? It is by generating revenues from their business. But since businesses don’t remain static, they keep moving between profit and loss, there come times when a business faces financial pressures and continuous loss, and this bars the business employer to continue to pay his employees since no profit or progress is being made. In such situations, in order to reduce the load,...

Announcement Letter about Your Own Retirement

Announcement Letter about Your Own Retirement

In a globe where companies have implemented a policy of terminating employees with small or no notice, it seems hilarious that we should have to give this any consideration. Most organization Human Resource (HR) units will need a formal letter of your motives to retire. This is because they can place it in your file. Ensure that you include things like specific dates so that they can determine any outstanding...

Business anniversary announcement letter to customers

Business Anniversary Announcement Letter to Clients and Customers

Announcing a business anniversary letter is a letter to memorialize the anniversary of your business. It improves the good reputation of your business affiliates and customers. You may prefer to offer a party or give out gifts or rewards to the customers. You could also include things like a marketing brochure in this letter. It should be short and must have a personalized touch. You could finish the letter with...

Letter of Acceptance for Employment

Letter of Acceptance for Employment

Regardless of whether you’ve acknowledged a job offer over the phone, it’s significant to write a formal acceptance letter. Expressing in writing your understanding of the conditions of employment will help eliminate any misunderstandings before they can grow out of control. Your employment acceptance letter is not an agreement, but if any legitimate question ever arises over the conditions of your occupation, it definitely cannot hurt to have your comprehension...

Congratulation Letter to an Employee on his Job Anniversary

Congratulation Letter to an Employee on His Job Anniversary

Employees join business employers at different times so the period of service of all employees is different. One of the ways to encourage and appreciate employees is to wish them their work anniversaries. This is a great way to boost their energies. A letter of congratulation to an employee for his job anniversary should have courteous and generous wishes and a mention of the notable services that the employee has...

New hiring strategy approval letter

New Hiring Strategy Approval Letter

The approval letter is a document in which written consent is given by a regulatory body. There are no obligations or restrictions to achieve the goals required by the obligatory body. In any company, hiring is the most important part. The hiring should be done in such a way that a company can hire the most devoted and hardworking candidates out of all applicants. Sometimes, the old hiring strategies may...

Letter from Client to Cancel Insurance Policy

Letter from Client to Cancel Insurance Policy

There are several insurance companies that are providing different kinds of insurance policies including life insurance, car insurance, property insurance, etc. All insurance companies have their own rules and regulations. Once a person chooses an insurance policy, he is bound to keep himself within the rules. Though everyone chooses to take an insurance policy with his own choice, people sometimes want to cancel their insurance policy due to different circumstances....

Letter Inviting Potential Clients to New Store Opening

Letter Inviting Potential Clients to New Store Opening

I [title] [name] from [department name] am writing to you on behalf of [company name]. The sanitary industry has grown very quickly in recent years. The local industry started production comparatively later than the foreign brands which led to the domination of foreign brands but the quality of our wares and the competitive prices have enabled us to claim and continually grow our market share. We are constantly improving and...

Letter to Accept an Invitation to Business Appointment

Letter to Accept an Invitation to Business Appointment

Business appointments are the backbone of the business. It is through meetings that businesses engage with potential clients, their partners, competitors, and business foes. These meetings allow businesses to help one another to make themselves according to the growing needs, to accept new challenges, and to compete for the best. Businesses arrange appointments in order to introduce their service or product to the other businesses in line or to advertise...

Letter notifying that wrong seat covers are returned

Letter Notifying that Wrong Seat Covers are Returned

Sample -1 I [title] [name] am writing to you from [org name] in reference to your complaint regarding the [name] seat covers you ordered online on our website on [date]. We have looked into the matter and we are really sorry that the wrong set of seat covers was dispatched. We want to inform you that you can return the seat covers to the address given at the end. We...

Letter Informing Client about Shipment of New Phone

Letter Informing Client about Shipment of New Phone

I [title] [name] from [org name] am writing to you in reference to the [phone name plus model no] you purchased on our website on [date]. We would like to congratulate you on your excellent choice. We are the trusted seller of [phone name] for the last [number] of years and are known in the market for original and authentic products, excellent customer service, and great after-sales service. We have...

Letter Announcing Annual Employee Holiday Luncheon

Letter Announcing Annual Employee Holiday Luncheon

Letter -1 We would like to inform you that we have arranged an annual employee holiday luncheon which will be held on 3rd November at 2 pm. This letter is a personal invitation to you to attend the event. We have invited a musical band to perform for the event and hired Hanna’s Catering service for the food. The luncheon is invitation only so please don’t forget to bring your...

Service fee amount increase announcement letter

Service Fee Amount Increase Announcement Letter

Services cannot be availed at the same rates always. Just like an increase and decrease in other prices, there’s an up and down in service charges too. Well, it’s a decline only once in a blue moon. Usually, the fee for services is only increased. This is due to many factors. Sometimes, service providers tend to improve their services by using professional methods and equipment for which they need funds...

Letter of Termination of an Employee

Letter of Termination of an Employee

In order to run a successful business, there are many factors that count. Potential and responsible employees are one major factor. Without them, businesses cannot run. It is, therefore, important that the progress of employees be observed and action should be taken for the irresponsible and incompetent employees. A letter of termination is one such action. This letter is written to clean sweep non-serious and unsuitable employees. Not all employees...

Acceptance of a resignation letter

Acceptance of a Resignation Letter

Dear Allan, earlier in the morning, I received your letter. I was sorry to hear that you want to leave your position as assistant manager of marketing. On behalf of management, I hereby accept your resignation with mixed feelings. Thank you for informing us one month in advance and giving us sufficient time to find a suitable replacement. You always maintained an excellent attendance record and were blessed with exceptional...

Project acceptance letter

Project Acceptance Letters for Word

Letter -1 I [title][name] from [organization] am writing to you regarding [project name] offered by you in the meeting held on [date]. We are pleased to inform you that your proposal has been accepted and we would be glad to start work on the proposed timeline. Our finance department has gone over the payment proposal presented by you and they have proposed a meeting to discuss some details regarding the...

Maternity leave approval letter

Maternity Leave Approval Letter Samples

With every passing year, more and more women are joining the workforce. Most rules and regulations are the same for both genders, there are yet some matters in which special privileges are granted with respect to gender needs and requirements. One such is maternity leave. Maternity leave is a temporary leave that is granted to expected mothers for the term before and after the birth of their child. Most businesses...

Letter Advising Subordinates to Resolve a Conflict or Issue

Letter Advising Subordinates to Resolve a Conflict or Issue

It is natural for conflicts to arise where people of different mindsets and ideas work together. In businesses, many times the employees do not have a consensus of ideas while they work together on a project, etc. In such a situation it is the responsibility of seniors to advise their subordinates on how to resolve their mutual conflicts. Businesses require teamwork but a team working together is not enough. It...

Letter to Terminate Employee for Violating Medical Standards

Letter to Terminate Employee for Violating Medical Standards

1- I am [name] from [department name] and am writing to inform you about the findings of the medical board which investigated the case of misdiagnosis of your patient, [name]. Mr. [name] came to you on [date] with a complaint of [symptoms], you advised him of the following tests: [List of tests] After the lab reports came back, instead of identifying his disease as a straightforward case of [name of...