Category: Welcome Letters

Welcome Letter for Wedding Guests

Welcome Letter for Wedding Guests

Celebrations are a source of great pleasure and contentment. Especially, family gathering multiplies the happiness. A wedding ceremony is full of fun and frolic. Different kind of entertainment brings a lot of enjoyment. It is a great source of meeting far-off relatives. A wedding preparation consists of multiple activities. A lot of decoration is done in the home. If the wedding is at home a well-decorated canopy is made. It...

Welcome Letter to New Employee by Manager

Welcome Letter to New Employee by Manager

1- Hope you are enjoying your new job. I welcome you warmly to ABC Company. We are exhilarated by your decision of accepting the job offer as well as accepting its terms and conditions. I hope that you find this letter with full excitement on your new journey with ABC Company. As you had mentioned in your interview that you are interested in accounting. According to reports of your new...

Church Volunteer Welcome Letter

Church Volunteer Welcome Letter

A welcome letter for a church volunteer is written to appreciate the participant for his choice of serving the church. The best way to thank a church volunteer is to acknowledge him/her publicly even before they start working for the noble cause. 1- This letter has been written to you as a welcome invitation from [Name of church] Church. It is an honor to have you as an avid volunteer to join us in...