Letter for School Fee Payment


Re. Notice to Submit School Fee for the Month of May-June till 10-06-21

This letter serves as a detailed notice of the submission of the school fee. I am Jessica Loman, assistant coordinator in Daffodils High School of Science and Arts, Boston. I am writing this letter to pull your attention to the matter of fee submission in the month of May.

According to the Accounts Department of the school, it has been told that you have not submitted the school fee for May. As it is one of the primary duties of the accounts department to collect the fee in time. The school belongs to private ownership, hence, a lot of expense of the school is based on the collection of the fee that students pay. Thus, fee payment and collection are important in the regulation of a lot of services, projects, and management.

We understand the hefty financial burden that has stricken your shoulders and sudden pressure in financial, physical, and psychological terms caused by the Pandemic. Therefore, we announced our revised relief packages in the shape of a discount on tuition fees and absolved all the previous debts on the students.

We are also in the same boat as you because the school has been struck by a total shutdown and closure because of lockdown and partial opening of the school. Many of the students have left or froze their semesters in the school because of financial burdens and have started working or taking short courses from public sector institutes.

As the school is reopened now, I request you to submit the due amount of the school fee before 10th June [YEAR]. The total payable amount is USD 200 including all the discounts and COVID relief cuts. I shall be thankful to you for your cooperation. You are welcomed to meet the coordinator in person in case of fee extension or any other problem. You can write to us at [EMAIL].

Encl. Please find the fee challan forms enclosed.


Jessica Loman
Assistant Coordinator
Daffodils High School of Science and Arts
Boston, CA, USA


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Re. Notification of Fee Submission for the Month of June 2021 along with Clearing Due Amounts till 10-06-21.

Dear Parents,

I hope you find this letter in good spirits. Opulus Schools of America greets you on the reopening of the schools and institutions after a long period of physical and psychological agony of lockdown and pandemic. Now the situation is better and all the educational institutes have been opened according to the American Organization of Health and National Coordination (AOHNC).

With the reopening of the schools, a lot of pending work has been reopened and thus many of the tasks have to be completed before we start our spring session/semester. To share the financial burden of children’s education, the school administration has decided to charge only tuition fees from the parents and no other utilities like WIFI, library funds, and other would-be charged till further notification (tentatively for two months).

As school administration is always up for the help and cooperation of students and their parents, we expect the same level of coordination from the parents too. With so many relief packages and discounts, we expect the deposition of school fees in time. This letter also purports to remind you of submitting the school tuition fee (discounted per April [YEAR] notification 103PAY).

The school has been facing a lot of financial crunches and subsidy turmoil since the second wave of COVID and resultant lockdown. With this situation, running the school at the same previous pace is unmanageable and muddling. To cater to the situation, the only thing we expect and want from the parents is the submission of due charges along with the fee for the month of June [YEAR] as soon as before 10th June [YEAR]. You can find the details of fees and other due payments by logging into your student portal at [EMAIL].

We thank you in advance for your instant cooperation. Our email address is [EMAIL].


Gale Cherrok
The Assistant Manager
Opulus Schools of America
67-G G-17/121, Edward Boer Ave, Landmark Street
San Diego, CA, USA


Size: 11 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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