Complaint Letter for Cell Phone Use at Work Place

Many a time, it happens that a person uses a cell phone during office work and does not concentrate on the work. When an employee works for a company his responsibility is to work properly on time and do not waste time using a cell phone or doing other activities. Several Breaks are given for relaxation and refreshment, one can manage such extra activities in these times.

Employees have a great hand in the success of the company, but if they do not work properly and waste their time, it leads to big losses for the company. Those people who use cell phones in the office are lagging in their work and their work always remains incomplete. They do not pay heed to anyone who tells them to work and is always in their own world. These employees cause loss to the company and should be terminated from the company.


I am writing this letter to complain about cell phone use during working hours in your office. I was assigned by Head office to come here and supervise the installation of the new base tower by your team. The team I am assigned to is very talented but the amount of time wasted due to their cell phone use is not tolerable.

No assignment given to them is finished on time and that delay brings a domino effect and even the people working dedicatedly end up suffering. This menace is getting out of hand otherwise I would not have disturbed you. I would like to recommend a complete ban on cell phone usage during office hours. The employees can deposit their cell phones on the reception on entering the office and collect them during lunch hours or when they are leaving for home. The office landline is available for making or receiving any emergency calls.

Sir as you are well aware this BTS installation is a time-sensitive project and I have been burning the proverbial midnight oil to complete it on time. It is only fair that the team should put in the same amount of effort as well. I am sure that we will notice a marked increase in the productivity of the team as soon as cell phone usage is controlled.

Looking forward to swift and firm action from your side


I am writing to you on behalf of all female employees in the office about an issue which is very disturbing and bothersome. We want to complain about the inappropriate cell phone usage by some male colleagues during office hours.

Sir, we have often noticed that they are filming the ladies or taking photographs in secret without asking for anyone’s consent. They also play music on their cell phones which is not only unprofessional but an unwanted distraction when one is trying to focus on work. Some of the senior staff members approached them and tried to make them see some sense but they were extremely rude to them and did not show the slightest remorse.

Sir, we are all educated ladies and we know our rights. This lewd behavior comes under workplace harassment. If strict action is not taken by you, we will approach the authorities as we feel threatened and unsafe working here. Needless to say, the kind of attention that would attract for this office on social media, is something every well-wisher of the company would like to avoid.

We want these four men severely reprimanded and removed from our floor as their presence is threatening and disturbing for all twenty undersigned female employees.

Looking forward to strict and firm action from your side.


Argon French
Block 7 C, Fresh Avenue, Los Angles.

March 23rd, 20XX

Mr. Elton Bob.
The Elton Enterprises.
Block 3 A, Kings Avenue, Los Angles.

Dear Mr. Elton Bob.

This letter is regarding a complaint about an employee of our company. The complaint against [EMPLOYEE NAME] is that he constantly uses a cell phone during office work and does not pay attention to his work. It has been observed that after multiple verbal warnings we have found that he is still using his mobile phone at work timings which are not at all acceptable.

The manager of the company and many other employees have sent him complaints but he does not pay any take serious note of it. We are hereby forced to send this complaint letter because we still find no change in his behavior despite all reminders and notices.

I suggest you personally warn him and tell him about the restriction of cell phone use during office work and tell him not to continue this attitude in the future. I hope he will improve his behavior in the future.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Argon French.


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