Complaint Letter for Overcharge

It is a famous saying that “to err is human and to forgive is divine.” It means that errors and mistakes can happen to anyone. Even, the machines can have errors. The fact is that nothing is perfect in this world. Human beings are the most flexible creature on earth. This is the reason why mistakes happen from them. But it does not mean that one should always err willfully and then seek forgiveness.

Individuals should try to be most careful regarding all matters of life. They should try to avoid mistakes and errors as much as they can. When a person keeps on doing wrong, a time comes that people lose trust in him and, a time comes when people don’t even trust in his truth. In the same way, sometimes we suffer from the problem of overcharge at restaurants, shopping malls, supermarkets, utility payments, etc. We can claim in such cases with the proof of receipt for reimbursement.


Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to you with great regret to bring a complaint in your notice I have with your store. I am a regular customer of Tesco as I live close by and do all my grocery shopping from this store biweekly. All your staff recognizes me well because of the number of times I visit this store. Although I have never had such a problem before, this time, your management caused me great inconvenience.

I had bought 5 items from your store from 3 different sections. My total payment should have been $30 as per the price mentioned on the isles. However, your cashier deducted $50 from my credit card. Thankfully, I was notified on my cell phone by my credit card company.

Nonetheless, your cashier was reluctant in making any amends to the payment made despite being on the faulty side. I registered a complaint to your customer care services department, but no one paid attention to it leaving me with no other option but to write a complaint letter to you for the overcharge. I have attached the invoice and the images of the original price tags for the record. 

I request you to investigate the matter and redeem my rightful dues. I intend to go to the consumer’s court if this case is not solved without further inconvenience as I already have gone through enough trouble because of this misunderstanding.

I’ll much appreciate your cooperation in this matter.


Kyle Daniel
21 St. Golden Crest Avenue, Washington DC.

25th June 20XX

Mr. Peter Carlos.
Creamery Restaurant.
17 St. Bridge Avenue, Washington DC.

Dear [Recipients Name],

I am hereby to make a complaint about an overcharge at your restaurant. Last night, I had a birthday party for my daughter. I booked the ballroom of your restaurant. The arrangements included in the deal were the decoration, magic show, face painting, singing competition. I had also ordered special goody bags for your restaurant, kiddy meals, and buffet dinner. All arrangements were up to the mark. The party was a great success. All kids along with their parents enjoyed it well.

But, today I found out in the bill that I was overcharged. I gave you the details of all the arrangements you were supposed to make. But the cake was not included in it. I bought it on my own. But the charges of a 10-pound cake were included in the bill. I am sending you a copy of the receipt and other details along with the bill. Please pay back the overcharged amount in this account number [X]. Please pay back in a day or two.

Yours Truly,

Kyle Daniel.


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