Resignation Letter because of Health Reasons

When you want to leave your job because of your poor health, then you have to let your employer know about it through your resignation letter. Informing the organization about health is not mandatory, however; giving the reason in the resignation letter is good.

Writing the resignation letter with the reason of health is very easy as it is a very concrete base on which your resignation letter can be accepted. You have to choose how much information you have to provide regarding your illness in the letter.

The notice period should also be mentioned in the resignation which your illness allows. The appropriate way to write the resignation is to mention that you have taken the tough decision of leaving the job. While writing the letter, mention your personal details such as job position, designation, and other job-related details.

Sample Letters

I am very sad to submit my resignation before you and it will be effective from 15th July 20XX. I am currently not feeling well and I have been given advice by doctors to take a rest to have a quick recovery from the illness.

Since I am in a complex situation, I and my family have decided that it would be an appropriate time to take this decision. I am thankful to the company for providing me with all the opportunities during my stay and also for encouraging me in every situation no matter how difficult it gets. I am highly grateful for the support of the company.


I wish to inform you with reluctance that I wish to resign from my current position as assistant director. It will be effective from 1st August. You are therefore requested to arrange an alternative to make this transition easy.

Although I am getting a competitive salary package I have been forced to take this decision owing to my poor health. In my last meeting with you, we talked about my decreased productivity. I told you that despite taking good sleep and nutrition, I have been feeling extremely tired even after a small amount of work.  

I booked an appointment with the doctor who told me that I had been suffering from chronic liver disease. In addition, extended working hours and fast-paced work have worsened my illness. Considering it, the doctor advised me to take complete bed rest and to cease all activities for an indefinite time.

I wish to grow old with this company but unfortunately, I cannot continue with such poor health. I am feeling stressed while leaving this kind of job. I know I had to do a lot of struggles to get this job. I was recruited after a tough competition, and it is very hard to compete for it again.

By virtue of my job, I increased my creativity and enhanced my working skills. Meeting with a variety of people on daily basis to build rapport was another plus point of this job. I also thank you for providing me with a lot of opportunities and I hope to return after my health will be improved.

It will be the best time for me to depart immediately because my all-ongoing projects have been completed successfully. Only a few minor tasks are ongoing, and I hope to complete these within a week. To make this transition smooth, I am ready to help you even after my resignation. I will be happy to assist you in this regard.

I wish you all the best of luck.



I want to inform you with sadness that I am unable to continue with my current job. Therefore, please accept this letter as my resignation notice effective from the 1st of August. I cannot continue because my health is becoming poor day by day. In addition, I do not think myself physically fit for this post which demands much more devotion.

Be assured, my resignation decision was as strange for me as it seems to be for you. Last week, during my routine medical checkup, the doctor informed me that I have been suffering from chronic heart disease. I was left with no option but to give up all activities immediately.

Keeping in view my condition, the doctor has advised me complete bed rest and to cease all kinds of activities immediately. Without any exaggeration, I was satisfied with my duties in your company. But, the fast-paced working environment has caused me a lot of stress and anxiety. Hence, I thought it imperative to send you my resignation letter in search of serenity.

Please let me say thank you for cooperating, encouraging, and supporting me throughout my stay. I am fortunate enough to find such a supportive boss who maintains a competitive yet pleasant working environment in the office. I am sad that the bad condition of my health is snatching everything from me.

I can understand that my immediate resignation can create some serious transitional problems for the company. Keeping it in mind, I am ready to assist the company despite my doctor’s advice. If interested, you can hire me on a part-time basis during busy seasons.

Alternatively, I will be happy to stay with you for a considerable amount of time. The sole purpose behind this is to train my replacement to make the transition process smooth. My project reports and important documents have been kept in order. I will be happy to answer any query you may have.

I wish you all the best of luck.

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