Complaint Letter to Apartment Manager

A complaint letter is written to the apartment manager when a person feels uncomfortable in the apartment due to any reason. The letter should be written in such a way that you can clearly express your concern in an expressive way.

While writing the complaint letter, it should be clearly mentioned in the letter to whom you are making the complaint and what are your major concerns. If you have any supporting documents or facts, then also mention them in the letter.

The letter should explain what you want to be done in the apartment. The problem which you are having in the apartment should be explained in detail so that the reader can easily understand what actually the problem is. The complaint letter should not be written in an offensive way rather the tone of the writer should be polite. Make sure to end the letter on a very positive note.

Sample -1

I appreciate your job in running the apartment which is very complex. I want to bring some issues related to the apartment to your attention so that you can take immediate actions to resolve those issues. The major problem which I am having in your apartment is the poor system overall. The blockage of drains and the leaking pipes may cause serious health problems to us.

According to the contract, all the problems should be handled by the management of the apartment. I request you to have a look at the above-mentioned issues and resolve them at your earliest convenience.


I understand that you are doing a difficult job as an apartment manager. I have been living in your apartment for the last five years but I never thought of writing you like this. I was satisfied with your management but still, there are some issues that need to be addressed on a priority basis.

For instance, I want to draw your attention to poor maintenance services at apartment premises. These include general cleanliness, broken windows and doors, and mold growing in various places of the apartment. These have been unsatisfactory for the last few months. Aesthetically, these problems are of serious concern for anyone who likes cleanliness. If not addressed timely, the said issues may cause serious problems of health and safety for apartment residents.

I have reminded you several times about maintenance problems within my own room which include a broken overhead shower, roof leakage, and prominent cracks within the wall. I am sorry to say that you never put an ear to my complaints. Now the situation is that whenever it rains, I have to clean up the water in my apartment.

As per the terms and conditions of our lease agreement, you are bound to provide me with proper safety and maintenance facilities. If you are unable to provide me with a clean, healthy, and safe environment, I would like you to release me from lease conditions otherwise, this is going to be a legal matter.

Please give due consideration to my complaint and inform me when you are going to resolve my issues. Otherwise, give me an early withdrawal from lease conditions so that I would search for better living conditions. I hope you will come up with a workable solution.

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I want to file a complaint against my neighbors. I want you to resolve this serious problem of noise coming from their apartment. For a couple of weeks, I have been working from home on night shifts but my upstairs neighbors start making noise at 10’o clock after they return home from the factory. They don’t know the manners to live in a building.

I am being disturbed by their frequent parties, loud music, frequent entry, and exit, and screaming.
Apart from my problem, I am living with my family and my children cannot sleep properly due to this noise. Before writing you I visited their place and requested them to stop such noise-making activities. They apologized and promised to me at that time. However, they did not fulfill their promise.

The problem has now become unbearable and I want you to resolve it as soon as possible. Please resolve it on your own before I would take extreme steps in this regard.

I hope I will not have to go for legal action.

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