Double Charge on Credit Card Correction Letter
I [name] have an account in [name of bank] in the [name] branch. My account number is [number]. For the last [number] years I have been banking with you. Recently I got a credit card and since then, I have been using it pretty frequently without facing any problems. However, something very troubling has happened which I want to bring to your attention.
I used my credit card for the purchase of [product name] on [date] at [time] from [vendor name]. Now after a period of [number of months/ days], as I was going through my credit card bill, I have realized that I have been charged for the amount twice. I contacted the vendor who has indicated that the error is at the Bank’s end then I contacted the customer service department of your Bank and they have referred me to you. I am attaching the receipt and my credit card statement. Please sort out this issue at your earliest.
With regards.

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Dear Sir/Ma’am
I have been banking with you since [year] in the [name] branch. I don’t use my credit card very frequently. However, a few days back I had to make a payment at [vendor] and I used my credit card for that. I purchased a [product name] on [date] at [time] from [location].
Later when I checked my credit card bill, I realized that I have been charged double the amount. On contacting the vendor, I was informed that the problem is at the bank’s side and the customer service department of your Bank has referred me to you. I am attaching the receipt and my credit card statement.
My account number is [number].
Date of purchase [date],
Amount spent [number]
Please look into this matter at your earliest.
With regards,

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Mistakes are made by everyone and everywhere. They are sometimes made during billing or charging. A customer can be charged twice or thrice, less or more, etc. In the cases where one realizes that something went wrong, he should get to the authorities to complain about the issue. People are sometimes mistakenly charged twice on their credit cards and they realize this after reading their credit card statement.
Sometimes the amount is little enough to be ignored but other times, it is big enough and the person should complain about it to get his money back. A double charge on a credit card correction letter can be written to the relevant authorities in order to draw their attention towards the fault.
[Subject: Subject of Letter] -Optional-
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I am writing this letter to you regarding the double charge on my credit card which was made when my card was used for billing at your [enter place/service]. I have my credit card statement with me and according to the statement, a charge was made twice, that too on the same date. I am assuming that it was a mistake and I now want you to look into the matter.
I am also sending you a copy of my credit card statement. The best solution would be to charge my card with the amount that was charged extra. Thank you!

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