Warning Letter for Leaving Work Premises without Permission

Sample 1:

Subject: Warning letter for leaving work premises without permission

Dear Angela, yesterday, we received a complaint against you from your office manager. He informed us that you left the office premises before time despite knowing the fact that doing so, you were leaving a lot of assignments pending.

In response to his complaint, we conducted an inquiry in which it came to our notice that neither your team leader nor your manager had granted you permission to leave the office premises earlier which is an unacceptable thing here. For instance, if you had an emergency, you must have asked either of your supervisors so that an alternative to your work could be arranged.

There were a lot of important tasks which were had to be completed yesterday and on the basis of your reports, the fate of a very important project was to be determined. But, because of your sheer negligence, this has to be done some other time now and the company cannot tolerate any delay in its important tasks.

Since you are not very old to this organization, therefore, I want to bring this thing into your notice that here at XYZ organization, all employees are expected to follow the code and conduct of the company that is truly meant for them.

Just like them, you were also trained before you were inducted as how to be professional within the organization and how to complete different tasks by following standardized procedures. As per existing rules, no employee can leave the office premises but after seeking permission from the supervisor/manager. 

Considering it your first mistake, we are not taking any serious step but issuing you this warning letter. Consider it your first and last warning for your act. Remember, any act of this kind will not be tolerated in the future. If you need any clarification regarding a rule, feel free to contact us at [email].

Yours sincerely,

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Sample 2:

Subject: Explanation for leaving work premises without permission

Dear Kerr,

On [date], when you were on your shift and working on a very important project, you failed to submit its final report because you left the office premises almost three hours before the completion of your shift. The most disappointing thing regarding this matter is that you did not ask for permission from any responsible officer.

Furthermore, when you returned to your work, you were failed to provide a suitable answer to your negligence. Your act is highly unprofessional and has no space here at the XYZ organization. We cannot bear such employees.

Your record was reviewed and this thing came into our notice this was not the first time when you left the office premises without prior permission. For the last 12 months, you have been guilty of doing this act at least [X] times, and each time you were warned by your manager verbally but it seems that you did not pay any attention to those warnings and carried on with your unprofessionalism.

Considering the above-mentioned circumstances, you have left for us no option but to issue the warning letter. We hope you will reflect positively after the issuance of this letter. If, however, we do not observe any change in your behavior and you involve yourself in this kind of activity again, you will then be subjected to hard disciplinary action that may result in suspension or even termination of your job.

Waiting for your reply in terms of positive change.

Yours sincerely,

Size: 22 KB Word .doc File 2003 & later



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