Holiday Closing Announcement Letter

A holiday closing announcement letter is sent to the vendors, and customers at least one week before the holidays begin. The purpose of this letter is to give time to third parties to manage and organize their business needs before the holidays.

  • The letter should include the date when the holiday begins
  • The reason for the holidays
  • Effectively inform all the stakeholders that business will be closed for a specific holiday
  • Closing dates and opening dates should be included
  • Assurance should be provided to the clients that the ongoing tasks will be either completed before the holidays begin or will be resumed after the holidays
  • Contact information should be included in case of any emergency contact that needs to be made from the clients


Dear Staff

Merry Christmas!! We are very pleased to announce that the offices would be closed from [date] to [date] for the Christmas holidays.

The list of employees who would be on call in case of an emergency is attached. Please see the list and make sure that you are available by phone and email on your designated duty day.

Hope you have a great vacation.


Holiday Closing announcement letter

Dear Staff

The school would be closed from [date] to [date] for the Eid holidays. Any projects assigned to the students whose deadlines fall in this period would be delayed to the next week after the end of the vacation.

Please ensure that you hand in the Mid-term exam question papers before going on holiday as the exams would start a week after school reopens. Also, ensure that the students have all their notebooks and books with them so that they do not face any difficulty in preparing for the exams. All work related to the topics in the syllabus should be checked and any corrections required should be clearly mentioned.

Wishing you happy holidays.


Dear Sir/Madam,

Our company would like to thank you for your long-term business relationship with us. We look forward to building better and stronger ties with you.

We are writing you this letter to inform you that we will take [10 day] holiday from work due to [Christmas]. Our offices will be closed during this time. The holidays begin from [date] and will last until [date]. We will resume our work from [date] and [time].

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused due to this holiday closure. We highly appreciate your understanding in this matter. In the case of any emergency, you can email us at [email id] and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can.

I hope you will enjoy your holidays.


I am always available to answer your questions. For any queries or suggestions please contact or write to me at the email address given at the Contact Us page. I will be very happy to see your response to improve my effort. Thank you! *Please write to me at Contact Us for anything for which you were here on my website and could not find it. Your required stuff will be updated within 24 hours at maximum.

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